Search Results - "Serial set 752"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Budgets and appropriations 7
- Government contractors 5
- Defense contracts 4
- Federal receipts and expenditures 4
- Financial statements 4
- Indian removal 4
- Indian reservations 4
- Indian treaties 4
- Ambassadors and diplomats 3
- Naval bases and depots 3
- Surveying 3
- Civil engineering 2
- Coins and coinage 2
- Cost 2
- Diplomatic documents 2
- Dry docks 2
- Hydrographic surveying 2
- Imprisonment 2
- Indian lands 2
- Indian title 2
- International relations 2
- Land claims 2
- Maintenance and repair 2
- Military bases and posts 2
- Military reservations 2
- Public buildings 2
- Treaties 2
- Warships 2
- Agricultural production 1
- Americans in foreign countries 1
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, of February 19, 1855, relative to the erection of a building for the ac[c]ommodation of the...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Letter from the Secretary of State, to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, communicating the report of Governor Stevens, of Washington Territory, to the Department...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Navy, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate of the 1st and 2d instants, calling for the correspondence relative to the dock, basin, and railwa...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating a report of the Secretary of the Interior, and recommending certain appropriations for the service of the Indian Depart...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating a report of the Secretary of the Interior, asking for certain appropriations under the treaty with the Chippewa Indians...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of the Director of the United States Mint on the fineness and value of certain foreign gold and silver coins. Februa...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating papers from the Secretary of the Interior relative to the removal of the California Indians. February 5, 1855. -- Read,...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of January 11, 1855, calling for th...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of War, showing the contracts made under authority of the War Department. February 10, 1855. -- Read, ordered to lie on the table and be printed.
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of War, communicating statements of the contingent expenses of the offices and bureaus of that Department for the year ending June 30, 1854. February 10, 18...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the claim of the Brotherton Indians. February 10, 1855. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating a report from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the colonization of the California Indians. February 7, 1855....
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of War, accompanied by lists of clerks and other persons employed in the War Department other than officers of the Army, during the year 1854. February 10,...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury to Hon. Mr. Hunter, chairman Committee on Finance, accompanied by a report relative to the use of wrought-iron beams and girders in the buil...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, communicating a report of the Secretary of the Interior asking an appropriation to supply a deficit in the amount held on Indian acco...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of January 10, 1855, calling for correspondence, &c., relative to the claim of Gibbons and Ke...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Message of the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of December 11, 1854, asking for copies of correspondence relative to the late difficulties b...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, of February 10, 1855, calling for correspondence relative to the military reservation at Fort Leavenw...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Navy, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of January 11, 1855, calling for surveys and reports relative to the establishment of a naval dep...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Further report of the Secretary of the Navy, enclosing the copy of a letter from the Bureau of Yards and Docks, relative to articles furnished, for the year ending June 30, 1854, c...
Published 1855“…Serial set 752…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook