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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Mev Range
- Energy Range 1,404
- Nuclear Reactions 759
- Nuclear Physics And Radiation Physics 684
- Cross Sections 616
- Information 538
- Data 532
- Targets 532
- Mev Range 10-100 529
- Numerical Data 523
- Mev Range 01-10 473
- Mev Range 100-1000 448
- Hadron Reactions 441
- Experimental Data 420
- Baryon Reactions 388
- Nucleon Reactions 388
- Scattering 379
- Elementary Particles 366
- Hadrons 322
- Elements 313
- Beams 311
- Charged-particle Reactions 297
- Fermions 296
- Neutron Reactions 279
- Baryons 268
- Nuclei 268
- Angular Distribution 261
- Accelerators 259
- Nucleons 259
- Particle Accelerators 257
High-performance control system for a heavy-ion medical accelerator
Published 1983Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Sensitivity studies on 3. 5-MeV alpha bombardment of a tokamak first wall
Published 1977Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Efficiencies of gas neutralizers for multi-MeV beams of light negative ions
Published 1981Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Measurement of the distributions of internuclear separations in 3. 0-MeV H₂⁺ and 3. 63-MeV HeH⁺ beams
Published 1979Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Anomalons, honey, and glue in nuclear collisions
Published 1982Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Nuclear collisions at several tens of MeV per nucleus
Published 1979Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Intermediate-energy nuclear theory. Progress report, July 1, 1977--June 30, 1978. [Summaries of research activities at Texas A and M Research Foundation]
Published 1978Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Convoy electron production in heavy-ion-solid collisions
Published 1981Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Recoil-range studies of heavy products of multinucleon transfer from ¹⁸O to ²⁴⁵Cm and ²⁴⁹Cf
Published 1982Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Hot Electron Diagnostics using X-rays and Cerenkov Radiation
Published 2003Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
A Bremsstrahlung Spectrometer using k-edge and Differential Filters with Image plate dosimeters
Published 2008Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Physics design of a cold neutron source for KIPT neutron source facility.
Published 2009Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
North Carolina State University Nuclear Structure Research at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. Progress report, April 1, 1978--March 31, 1979
Published 1978Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Angular momentum effects in nuclear reactions. Progress report, August 1, 1977--July 31, 1978. [Summaries of research activities at Texas A and M University]
Published 1978Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Limits from primordial nucleosynthesis on the properties of massive neutral leptons. [Lifetime]
Published 1977Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Projectile K x-ray production in thin solid targets. [20 to 80 MeV, fluorescence yield, cross sections]
Published 1977Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Angular momentum effects in nuclear reactions. Progress report, August 1, 1975--July 31, 1976. [Summaries of research activities at Texas A and M University]
Published 1976Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Computer experiment studies on mechanisms for irradiation induced defect production and annealing processes. Progress report, July 1, 1972--March 1, 1974
Published 1974Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Pion interactions at medium energies. Progress report
Published 1973Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Statistical theory of the decay of fissionable compound nuclei in heavy-ion reactions
Published 1972Online Access (via OSTI)
Government Document Electronic eBook