Search Results - "Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English"
Select Psalms of a new translation to be sung in verse and chorus of five parts, with symphonies of violins, organ, and other instrumants, Novemb. 22, 1655 / composed by Henry Lawe...
Published 1655Subjects: “…Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English.…”
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A century of select Psalms and portions of the Psalms of David, especially those of praise turned into metre, and fitted to the usual tunes in parish churches, for the use of the C...
Published 1691Subjects: “…Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English.…”
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Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the .vii. penytentiall psalmes drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat knyght, wherunto is added a prola...
Published 2002Subjects: “…Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English Early works to 1800.…”
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Psalmi seu precationes D. Ioan. Fisheri episcopi Roffensis. Accessit imploratio diuini auxilij contra tentationem ex Psalmis Dauidis, per Th. Morum.
Published 1598Subjects: “…Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English Early works to 1800.…”
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The Loyal man's Psalter, or Some select psalms in Latin and English verse fit for the times of persecution
Published 1680Subjects: “…Bible. Psalms. Selections Paraphrases, English.…”
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Microfilm Book