Search Results - "Botany Pre-Linnean works."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Botany 205
- Pre-Linnean works 84
- Botany, Medical 26
- Herbals 22
- Herbs 11
- Medicinal plants 11
- Plant names, Popular 11
- Anatomy 10
- Gardens 8
- Plants 8
- Chemistry 6
- Embryology 6
- Plant anatomy 6
- Materia medica 5
- Orchids 5
- Baths 4
- Botanical gardens 4
- Horticulture 4
- Materia medica, Vegetable 4
- Medicine 4
- Physics 4
- Plants, Cultivated 4
- Botanical illustration 3
- Gardening 3
- History 3
- Pharmacy 3
- Roots (Botany) 3
- Botany, 2
- Flowers 2
- Horticultural crops 2
Methodus plantarum nova brevitatis & perspicuitatis causa synoptice in tabulis exhibita; cum notis generum tum fummorum tum subalternorum characteristics, observationibus nonnullis...
Published 1682Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Microfilm Book -
Plantarum historiæ universalis Oxoniensis. Pars secunda seu herbarum distributio nova, per tabulas congnationis & affinitatis ex libro naturæ observata & detecta / authore Roberto...
Published 1680Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Joannis Raii Societatis Regiæ Socii, Historia plantarum generalis. Tomus primus species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens : in qua a...
Published 1693Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs / with an English tranlation by Sir Arthur Hort, Bart.
Published 1916Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Pvrgantivm aliarvmqve eo facientivm tvm et radicum, conuoluulorum ac deleteriarum herbarum historiae ... / Remberto Dodonaeo ... auctore. Accessit appendix variarũ ... stirpium, ac...
Published 1574Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Expériences sur la véǵtation des plantes dans d'autres matières que la terre premier mémoire / par M. Bonnet.
Published 1750Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Historia generalis plantarum in libros XVIII per certas classes artificiose digesta : hæc plusquam mille imaginibus plantarum locupletior superioribus, omnes propemodum quæ ab anti...
Published 1586Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Remberti Dodonaei De frvgum historia liber vnus : eivsdem epistolae dvae, vna de farre, chondro, trago, ptisana, crimno, & alica : ; altera de zytho, & cereuisia.
Published 1552Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Conradi Gesneri Opera botanica per dvo saecvla desiderata, ... / omnia ex bibliotheca Christophori Iacobi Trew ; nvnc primvm in lvcem edidit et praefatvs est Casimirvs Christophorv...
Published 1751Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Remberti Dodonæi Stirpivm historiæ pemptades sex sive libri XXX.
Published 1583Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Notes relating to botany collected from the manuscripts of the late Peter Collinson / and communicated by Aylmer Bourke Lambert ; read April 18, 1809.
Published 1811Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Enquiry into plants : and minor works on odours and weather signs / with an English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart.
Published 1916Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Book -
Plantarum historiæ universalis Oxoniensis pars [secunda]-tertia, seu, Herbarum distributio nova per tabulas cognationis & affinitatis ex libro naturæ observata & detecta / auctore...
Published 1680Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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De causis plantarum : in three volumes / Theophrastus ; with an English translation by Benedict Einarson and George K. K. Link.
Published 1976Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Book -
The herball, or General historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
Published 1636Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
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Prodromus historiæ generalis plantarum in quo familiæ plantarum per tabulas disponuntur Petri Magnol.
Published 1689Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Fasciculus stirpium Britannicarum post editum plantarum Angliae catalogum observatarum / Joanne Raio & ab amicis.
Published 1688Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book -
Joannis Raji Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta in qua notæ maxime characteristicæ exhibentur, quibus stirpium genera, tum summa, tum infima cognoscuntur & à se mutuo dignoscuntu...
Published 1703Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book -
Phytognomonica Io. Baptistae Portae octo libris contenta : in qvibvs nova, facillimaqve affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorũ, rerum deniq[uam?] omniũ ex prima ext...
Published 1588Subjects: “…Botany Pre-Linnean works.…”
Microfilm Book