Search Results - "Cádiz"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 180
- Politics and government 45
- History and criticism 37
- Commerce 32
- Colonies 28
- Constitutional history 27
- Criticism and interpretation 22
- Description and travel 19
- History, Naval 19
- Travel 17
- Economic conditions 16
- Spanish colonies 14
- Cadiz Expedition, 1596 13
- Spanish literature 13
- Foreign relations 12
- Guitar music 12
- Civilization 11
- Constitutional law 11
- Law and legislation 11
- Social aspects 11
- Social life and customs 11
- Guitar music, Arranged 10
- Spanish language 10
- Flamenco music 9
- Relations 9
- Spanish drama 9
- Administration 8
- Commercial policy 8
- Constitutions 8
- Intellectual life 8
La cerámica común Romana en la bahía Gaditana en época Romana : alfarerîa y centros de producciôn /
Published 2017Table of Contents: “…alfares en la Bahía de Cádiz: tipos por zonas geográficas -- IV.1.1. Introducción …”
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Los pícaros de Conil y Zahara : estudio histórico sobre los Jesuitas y las almadrabas del Duque de Medina Sidonia en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. /
Published 1965Subjects: “…Jesuits Spain Cádiz.…”
Book -
Declaratie van de causen mouerende hare Coninglicke Maiesteit van Englandt, een vlote van schepen ter zee te afuerdigen tot defensie van hare landschappen, tegen gewelt des Conings...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Declaratie van de causen mouerende hare Coninglicke Maiesteit van Englandt, een vlote van schepen ter zee te afuerdigen tot defensie van hare landschappen, tegen gewelt des Conings...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces to bee...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Declaratio causarum serenissimam Maiestatem Reginæ Angliæ mouentium, ad instruendam atque emittendam classem ad regnorum suorum defensionem, contra vires Regis Hispaniæ per dictæ c...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Dichiaratione delle cause che hanno indotta la Serenissima Maestá, della Reina d'Ingilterra, di preparare & mandare sopra il mare vna armata per la difesa de i suoi regni contra le...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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The history of Cales passion: or as some will by-name it, The miss taking of Cales; presented in vindication of the sufferers to forwarne the future. By G:T: Esq;
Published 1659Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1625 Early works to 1800.…”
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Declaration des causes, qui ont meu sa Serenissime Maiesté d'Angleterre d'equipper, & mettre vne armeé sur mer, pour la deffence de ses royaumes contre les forces du Roy d'Espagne...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces to bee...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
Declaracion de las causas que han mouido la Magestad de la Reyna d'Yngalaterra, a embiar vn'armada real, para defensa de sus reynos y señorios contra las fuerças del Rey d'Espana l...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Electronic eBook -
Declaratio causarum serenissimam Maiestatem Reginæ Angliæ mouentium, ad instruendam atque emittendam classem ad regnorum suorum defensionem, contra vires Regis Hispaniæ per dictæ c...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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The history of Cales passion: or as some will by-name it, The miss-taking of Cales presented in vindication of the sufferers to forevvarne the future. By G:T: Esq;
Published 1652Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1625 Early works to 1800.…”
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Dichiaratione delle cause che hanno indotta la Serenissima Maestá, della Reina d'Ingilterra, di preparare & mandare sopra il mare vna armata per la difesa de i suoi regni contra le...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Electronic eBook -
Declaration des causes, qui ont meu sa Serenissime Maiesté d'Angleterre d'equipper, & mettre vne armeé sur mer, pour la deffence de ses royaumes contre les forces du Roy d'Espagne...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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Carnaval de Pueblo Town carnival /
Published 2006Subjects: “…Carnival Spain Cádiz.…”
Online Access (via Alexander Street Press)
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The history of Cales passion: or as some will by-name it, The miss-taking of Cales presented in vindication of the sufferers to forevvarne the future. By G:T: Esq;
Published 1652Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1625 Early works to 1800.…”
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Electronic eBook -
Declaracion de las causas que han mouido la Magestad de la Reyna d'Yngalaterra, a embiar vn'armada real, para defensa de sus reynos y señorios contra las fuerças del Rey d'Espana l...
Published 1596Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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The history of Cales passion: or as some will by-name it, The miss taking of Cales; presented in vindication of the sufferers to forwarne the future. By G:T: Esq;
Published 1659Subjects: “…Cadiz Expedition, 1625 Early works to 1800.…”
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A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces to bee...
Published 2005Subjects: “…Cádiz Expedition, 1596 Early works to 1800.…”
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