Search Results - "Church and state England"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Church and state 1,777
- History 474
- Politics and government 207
- Dissenters, Religious 137
- Church history 132
- Government 86
- Bishops 78
- Clergy 62
- Catholics 57
- Freedom of religion 54
- Liberty of conscience 49
- Church polity 45
- Temporal power 45
- Anti-Catholicism 42
- Episcopacy 40
- Presbyterianism 40
- Sermons, English 37
- Religion 36
- Society of Friends 36
- Reformation 34
- Oath of allegiance, 1606 33
- Divine right of kings 30
- Religious tolerance 30
- Legal status, laws, etc 28
- Kings and rulers 27
- Oaths 25
- Religious aspects 25
- Broadsides 23
- Church of England 23
- Protestants 22
A letter from a clergy-man in the country, to a minister in the city, concerning ministers intermedling with state-affairs in their sermons & discourse
Published 1689Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A letter from a Jesuit at Paris, to his correspondent in London shewing the most effectual way to ruine the government and Protestant religion.
Published 1679Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A True description of the bull-feast
Published 1683Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A letter from a worthy gentleman in York-shire, to his friend a member of the honorable House of Commons
Published 1642Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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The Character of a Trimmer neither Whigg nor Tory
Published 1682Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Defensio legis, or, The Whole state of England inquisited and defended for general satisfaction
Published 1674Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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The sword of Christian magistracy supported, or, A vindication of the Christian magistrates authority under the Gospell, to punish idolatry, apostacy, heresie, blasphemy, and obsti...
Published 1653Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A second speech of the Honovrable Nathanael Fiennes, second son to the right honourable the Lord Say, in the Commons House of Parliament touching the subjects liberty against the l...
Published 1641Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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The moderate Independent proposing a word in season to the gathered churches, the Episcopal and Presbyterian parties tending to their humiliation for what is past, to be reconciled...
Published 1660Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Proposals, and reasons whereon some of them are grounded, humbly presented to the Parliament, towards the settling of a religious and godly government in the commonwealth with a sh...
Published 1659Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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An admonition to the magistrates of England upon our new settlement
Published 1689Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Sir Iohn Cvlepeper his speech in Parliament concerning the grievances of the Church and common-wealth
Published 1641Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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The Great question, or, How religion, property and liberty are to be best secured humbly offered to the consideration of all who are true lovers of the peace of church and state.
Published 1690Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A Dialogue between a monkey in the Old Bayly and an ape in High Holbourn
Published 1681Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Five important queries humbly propounded to all true lovers of the peace and safety of the church and state
Published 1681Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Sir Iohn Cvlepeper his speech in Parliament concerning the grievances of the Church and common-wealth.
Published 1641Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Three letters of publick concernment as to the present affairs ... as also concerning the late publication of the covenant in all churches /
Published 1660Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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An account of the growth of popery and arbitrary government in England more particularly from the long prorogation of November 1675, ending the 15th of February, 1676, till the las...
Published 1678Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Reflections upon a form of prayer, lately set forth for the Jacobites of the Church of England, and of an abhorrence tendred by the late King, to some of our dissenting bishops, up...
Published 1690Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgments of ministers of the Gospel within the the province of London contained in a letter from the to the general and his councell...
Published 1649Subjects: “…Church and state England.…”
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Microfilm Book