Search Results - "Church and state France."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Church and state 315
- History 187
- Church history 64
- Politics and government 55
- Catholic Church 38
- Religious aspects 33
- Religion 16
- Secularism 14
- Kings and rulers 13
- Huguenots 12
- Political aspects 12
- Clergy 11
- Bishops 9
- Catholics 9
- Church property 9
- Protestants 9
- Temporal power 9
- Christianity and politics 8
- Foreign relations 8
- Political science 8
- Église et État 7
- Gallicanism 7
- Regalia 7
- Cult 6
- Religion and politics 6
- Influence 5
- Law and legislation 5
- Legal status, laws, etc 5
- Persecution 5
- Political activity 5
Très-humbles et très-respectueuses remontrances : que présentent au roi notre très-honoré souverain seigneur, les gens tenans la Cour de Parlement de Normandie.
Published 1753Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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eBook -
Code des curés, ou nouveau recueil des règlemens concernant les dixmes, les portions congrues, les fonctions, droits, honneurs, exemptions & privileges des cures, vicaires perpetue...
Published 1736Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Book -
Les rapports de l'Église et de l'État en France.
Published 1960Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Society in crisis : France in the sixteenth century / J. H. M. Salmon.
Published 1975Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Book -
Mémoire a consulter sur un système religieux et politique : tendant a renverser la religion, la société et le trone / par M. le Comte de Montlosier.
Published 1826Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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eBook -
Lettre au pape Pie IX / par Emile Barrault.
Published 1849Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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eBook -
Opinion de M. Claude Fauchet, député du Calvados, sur les prêtres non-assermentés.
Published 1791Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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eBook -
Strange and wonderful news from France of the French Kings renouncing the Popes supremacy.
Published 1682Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Microfilm Book -
Forces religieuses et attitudes politiques dans la France contemporaine / sous la direction de René Rédmond. (Colloque de Strassbourg, 23-25 mai 1963)
Published 1965Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Conference Proceeding Book -
A letter from Paris giving an account of the horrid designe of poysoning and the rebellion threatned in France the Prince of Condé's retiring from Court in discontent to Languedoc,...
Published 1680Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Microfilm Book -
Religion and the Reign of Terror, or, The church during the French Revolution prepared from the French of M. Edmond de Pressensé by Rev. John P. Lacroix.
Published 1869Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Electronic eBook -
Recueil des édits, déclarations et arrests, rendus en faveur des curez, vicaires perpetuels, vicaires amovibles, chanoines & autres bénéficiers ..
Published 1706Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Book -
Church and state in the reign of Louis Philippe, 1830-1848 by John M.S. Allison.
Published 1916Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Thesis Electronic eBook -
Staat und kirche im fränkischen reiche : bis auf Karl den Grossen / von Joseph Fehr.
Published 1869Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Church and state in France : 1300-1907.
Published 1907Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Book -
Le songe du vergier / édité d'après le manuscrit royal 19 C IV de la British Library par Marion Schnerb-Lièvre.
Published 1982Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Diritto ecclesiastico francese odierno (1880-1908)
Published 1909Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Book -
One king, one law, three faiths : religion and the rise of absolutism in seventeenth-century Metz / Patricia Behre Miskimin.
Published 2002Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
Book -
Strange and wonderful news from France of the French Kings renouncing the Popes supremacy.
Published 1682Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”
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Electronic eBook -
Die westfränkischen Synoden von 888 bis 987 und ihre Überlieferung / von Isolde Schröder.
Published 1980Subjects: “…Church and state France.…”