Search Results - "Church of England Controversial literature."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Doctrines 134
- Dissenters, Religious 114
- Puritan authors 91
- Society of Friends 61
- Anglican authors 56
- Episcopacy 52
- Church and state 48
- Church of England 45
- Government 40
- Clergy 32
- Customs and practices 31
- History 31
- Liturgy 30
- Brownists 29
- Church history 26
- Bishops 25
- Protestantism 24
- Controversial literature 22
- Sermons, English 22
- Presbyterianism 17
- Tithes 16
- Anglican Communion 15
- Freedom of religion 15
- Lord's Supper 15
- Arminianism 14
- Religion 14
- Church polity 12
- Politics and government 12
- Quaker authors 12
- Theology, Doctrinal 12
Certain disputations of right to sacraments, and the true nature of visible Christianity defending them against several sorts of opponents, especially against the second assault of...
Published 1658Subjects: “…Sacraments Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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An address presented to the reverend and learned ministers of the Church of England
Published 1688Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Celeusma, seu, Clamor, ad theologos hierarchiæ Anglicanæ sanctitate doctrinæ & vitæ conspicuos per quem justâ & sanctâ indignatione permoventur, excitanturq [ue] ad sociandas vires...
Published 1679Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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A discourse about the charge of novelty upon the Reformed Church of England made by the papists asking of us the question, Where was our religion before Luther?
Published 1685Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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An Answer to the new motions, or, A serious and briefe discussion of certaine motions now in question
Published 1641Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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A discourse about the charge of novelty upon the Reformed Church of England made by the papists asking of us the question, Where was our religion before Luther?
Published 1685Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Ichabod, or, Five groans of the church prudently foreseeing, and passionately bewailing her second fall threatned [sic] by these five dangerous, tho' undiscern'd miscarriages that...
Published 1691Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Cast-iron parsons, or, Hints to the public and the legislature on political economy : clearly proving that the clergy can be entirely dispensed with without injury to the Christian...
Published 1820Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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The reformed Catholique, or, The true Protestant
Published 1679Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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A brief treatise containing a full discovery 1. of Cæsars politique state, or civill government : 2. of the diving politique state, or kingdome of Christ Jesus, given him of his Fa...
Published 1641Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Ananias and Saphira discovered, or, The true intent of a pamphlet called Omnia comest[a] a Belo in a letter by way of answer.
Published 1679Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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The naked truth, or, The true state of the primitive church
Published 1675Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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The religion of the Church of England, &c. in a private letter
Published 1678Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Living the faith : a call to the Church /
Published 1980Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
Book -
The Eternal gospel once more testified unto and vindicated against the ignorance, or malice of the bishops and teachers of the now Church of England : this book proving against the...
Published 1681Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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An apology of the Church of England.
Published 1963Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Book -
The epistel exhortatorye of an Inglyshe Chrystian vnto his derely beloued co[n]trey of Ingland against the pompouse popysh bisshops thereof, as yet the true membres of theyre fylth...
Published 1548Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christyane vnto his derelye beloued co[n]treye of Englande against the pompouse popyshe bysshoppes therof, as yet the true members of theyr...
Published 1544Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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A godly confession and protestacion of the christian faith, made and set furth by Ihon Hooper, wherin is declared what a christia[n] manne is bound to beleue of God, hys Kyng, his...
Published 1552Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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A learned vsefull and seasonable discovrse concerning the Church of England, and the Church of Rome. Addressed by way of letter to M. St. Iohn, a Romish priest, by that eminent aut...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Church of England Controversial literature.…”
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Electronic eBook