Search Results - "English wit and humor Early works to 1800."
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- English wit and humor 175
- Satire, English 10
- Epitaphs 8
- Humor 8
- English poetry 7
- History 7
- English drama (Comedy) 6
- Epigrams, English 6
- Entertainment events 5
- Epigrams 5
- Songs, English 5
- Conduct of life 4
- Conversation 4
- Courtesy 4
- English essays 4
- Etiquette 4
- Theater 4
- Jestbooks 3
- Proverbs, English 3
- Anagrams 2
- Chapbooks, English 2
- Civil service 2
- Devil 2
- Dialogues 2
- Dialogues, English 2
- English drama 2
- English fiction 2
- English literature 2
- English prose literature 2
- Great Britain 2
[Tarltons jests Drawne into these three parts.]
Published 1620Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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VVit and mirth chargeably collected out of tauernes, ordinaries, innes, bowling greenes, and allyes, alehouses, tobacco shops, highwayes, and water-passages. Made vp, and fashioned...
Published 1629Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Scogin's jests full of witty mirth and pleasant shifts : done by him in France and other places : being a preservative against melancholy /
Published 1680Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Greenes groatsvvor[th] of witte: bought with a million of repentance describing the folly of youth, the falshood of make-shift flatterers, the miserie of the negligent, and mischie...
Published 1617Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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The first and best part of Scoggins iests full of witty mirth and pelasant shifts, done by him in France, and other places: being a preseruatiue against melancholy. Gathered by And...
Published 1626Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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VVit and mirth chargeably collected out of tauernes, ordinaries, innes, bowling greenes, and allyes, alehouses, tobacco shops, highwayes, and water-passages. Made vp, and fashioned...
Published 1629Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Iacke of Douer, his quest of inquirie, or his priuy search for the veriest foole in England
Published 1604Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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The first and best part of Scoggins iests: full of witty mirth and pleasant shifts, done by him in France, and other places: being a preservative against melancholy. Gathered by An...
Published 1655Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early Works to 1800.…”
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VVit and mirth being 113 pleasant tales and witty iests. Chargeably collected out of taverns, ordinaries, inns, bowling greens, and allies, alehouses, tobacco-shops, highwayes, and...
Published 1635Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Tarltons jests Drawne into these three parts. 1 His court-witty iests. 2 His sound city iests. 3 His countrey pretty iests. Full of delight, wit, and honest mirth.
Published 1638Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Tarltons iests Drawne into these three parts. 1 His court-wittie iests 2 His sound cittie iests. 3 His country prettie iests. Full of delight, wit, and honest myrth.
Published 1613Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Scoggins iestes Wherein is declared his pleasant pastimes in France, and of his meriments among the fryers: full of delight and honest mirth.
Published 1613Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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A banquet of jests Or a collection of Court. Camp. Colledge. Citie. Country. Iests. In two bookes.
Published 1640Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Conceits, clinches, flashes, and whimzies Newly studied, with some collections, but those never published before in this kinde.
Published 1639Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Greenes groatsworth of wit, bought with a million of repentance Describing the folly of youth, the falshood of make-shift flatterers, the misery of the negligent, and mischieves of...
Published 1637Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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The lively character of a contented and discontented cuckold, ala-mode de Anglitere by what names or titles soever distinguished. With an apology for, and a defence of the fair and...
Published 1700Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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A satyr against wit design'd an answer to a poem stil'd the dispensary.
Published 1700Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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The red cow's speech, to a milk-woman, in St. J-----s's P----k
Published 1750Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Wit and mirth: or, Pills to purge melancholy being a collection of the best merry ballads and songs, old and new. Fitted to all humours, having each their proper tune for either vo...
Published 1700Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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Oxford jests, refined and enlarged Being a collection of whitty jests. Merry tales pleasant joques. Collected and composed by Captain W. Hicks, native of Oxford.
Published 1760Subjects: “…English wit and humor Early works to 1800.…”
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