Search Results - "Ephemerides Early works to 1800."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Ephemerides 973
- Astrology 864
- Almanacs, English 749
- Almanacs 84
- Almanacs, American 42
- Astronomy 26
- Markets 21
- Nautical almanacs 12
- Prophecies 9
- History 8
- Roads 8
- Almanacs, Dutch 7
- Predictive astrology 6
- Navigation 5
- Satire, English 5
- Calendars 4
- Mathematics 4
- Almanacks, American 3
- Almanacs, Irish 3
- Astronomical instruments 3
- Library 3
- Monarchy 3
- Almanacs, French 2
- Chronology, Historical 2
- Early works to 1800 2
- Jewish almanacs 2
- Political satire, English 2
- Prayers 2
- Spherical astronomy 2
- Stars 2
Urania practica or, Practical astronomie : in VII parts, containing, I. An explanation of the vulgar notes used every year, with the order how to finde them for ever, in the Iulian...
Published 1652Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris 1647. Delivering a probable conjecture of such passages as are prefigured by the influence of the stars, to concerne the kingdoms of England, Scotland and...
Published 1647Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Ephemeris: or, A diary [brace] astronomicall, meteorologicall, chronologicall, for the year of Christ 1655.
Published 1655Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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An almanack and prognostication for that yeare, being the first after the bissextile, and from the creation of the world 5594. Referred properly to the latitude and meridian of Oxf...
Published 1645Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Merlinus anonymus an almanack, and no almanack. A kalendar, and no kalendar. An ephemeris (between jest, and earnest) for the year 1653. Monthly observations, and chronologicall an...
Published 1653Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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An ephemeris for the year of our Lord, 1653 being the first year after leap-year, and (as is shrewdly to be feared) a sickly year, especially to London. Wherein you have the motion...
Published 1653Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Knight. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1638. Being the second from the bissextile or leap-yeare; and from the worlds creation 5587. Before the almanack is prefixed a no...
Published 1638Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Neue. 1622. A new almanacke, and prognostication, with the forraine computation, seruing for the yeare of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. 1622. Being the second yeare, after th...
Published 1622Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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A table declaring what planet dooth raigne euery day and houre enduring for euer: whereunto is added diuers and sundry very necessarie tables.
Published 1598Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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The seamans kalender, or An ephemerides of the sunne, moon, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres.
Published 1608Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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The rules and ryghte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes which are named ephemerides A bryefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudicial astrol...
Published 1558Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Here begynneth the boke of knowledge of thynges vnknowen aperteynynge to astronomye with certayne necessarye rules, and certayne speres contaynyng herein compyled by Godfridus supe...
Published 1554Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astr...
Published 1558Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Neue. 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication, with the forraigne computation, seruing for the yeere of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, 1631. Being the third after the bissext...
Published 1631Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Neue. 1618. An almanacke for the yeare of] our Lord God 1618.
Published 1618Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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[An almanack and pronostication of Iaspar Laet for the yere, of our Lord M.D.XXXIV.]
Published 1534Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Woodhouse 1681. A new almanack for the year of our Lord, 1681. Being the first from the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5630. Wherein is contained a brief de...
Published 1681Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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White, 1681. A new almanack for the year of our Lord God 1681. Being the year from the worlds creation, 5630. And the first from bissextile, or leap-year. Calculated for the meridi...
Published 1681Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Ephemeris ad annum a nativitate Domini 1687. Et ad longitudinem urbis Londinensis. Ex novis hypothesibus exactissimè supputata, et Regiae Societati dicata.
Published 1687Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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Beale, 1631. An almanacke, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631. Being the third yeare after bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated for the meridian and paralell [sic] the most famou...
Published 1631Subjects: “…Ephemerides Early works to 1800.…”
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