Search Results - "Great Britain Religion 17th century."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Religion 584
- History 103
- Church and state 36
- Politics and government 36
- Dissenters, Religious 22
- Catholics 20
- Customs and practices 20
- Episcopacy 19
- Roundheads 18
- Government 14
- Church polity 13
- Church history 12
- Clergy 12
- Bishops 10
- Presbyterianism 10
- Persecution 9
- Ecclesiastical law 8
- Christianity 7
- Liturgy 7
- Preaching 7
- Religious aspects 7
- Sabbath legislation 7
- Discipline 5
- Society of Friends 5
- Apocalyptic literature 4
- Ballads, English 4
- Brownists 4
- Cartoons, satire, etc 4
- Christian life 4
- Church renewal 4
The Protestant grind-stone.
Published 1680Subjects: “…Great Britain Religion 17th century Early works to 1800.…”
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Truths testimony and a testimony of truths appearing in power, life, light & glory, creating, manifesting, increasing, and vindicating itself in the midst of persecution : wherein...
Published 1655“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A Learned and witty conference lately betwixt a Protestant and a papist wherein the papist propoundeth XVIII severall questions concerning the affaires both of church and state in...
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Canterbvrie[s] pilgrimage in the testimony of an accused conscjenc[e] for the bloud of Mr. Burton, Mr. Prynne, and Doctor Bastwicke and the just deserved sufferings he lyes under :...
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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An order made by the House of Commons for the establishing of preaching lecturers through the kingdome of England and Wales passed before the rising, Septemb. 8, 1641.
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A Trve relation of a Scotchman, vvho comming into the church of St. Olaves in the old iury in London, at such time as the people were receiving the communion, did much disturb them...
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Questions to be disputed in counsell of the lords spirituall after their returne from their visitation
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A declaration of the Commons in Parliament made September the 9th 1641.
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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The supplication of certaine masse-priests falsely called Catholikes. Directed to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, now this time of Parliament, but scattered in corners, to mooue...
Published 1604“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Protestants demonstration for Catholicks recusancie all taken from such English Protestant bishops, doctors, ministers, parlaments, lawes, decrees, and proceedings, as haue beene p...
Published 1615“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall treated upon by the bishop of London, president of the convocation for the province of Canterbury, and the rest of the bishops and clergy o...
Published 1633“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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An answer to lame Giles Calfines Messe of pottage which hee termes in his halting speech to be well crummed and seasoned, &c proving that the service-booke is no better than pottag...
Published 1642“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A convocation speech by Mr. Thomas Warmstry one of the clerks for the diocesse of Worcester against images, altars, crosses, the new canons and the oath, &c.
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament for keeping of scandalous persons from the sacrament of the Lords-supper, the enabling of congregations for the choyce o...
Published 1646“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true Christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repent...
Published 1652“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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Vain worship and worshipers detected, and the right and profitable worshipers briefly described in some short and plain observations made upon our Saviours reprehension of the hypo...
Published 1675“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A record of some persecutions inflicted upon some of the servants of the Lord in South-Wales with the sufferings of many for not paying tithes, not repairing steeple-houses, and fo...
Published 1659“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A true and wonderfull relation of a whale, pursued in the sea, and incounterd by multitudes of other fishes, as it was certified by divers mariners of Weymouth, who comming from Fr...
Published 1645“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A rejoinder consisting of two parts, the first entituled, The ballance, or, A vindication of the proceedings and judgement of Parliament and their ministers, in the cases of Willia...
Published 1658“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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A speech made to the Hovse of Commons concerning episcopacy by the Lord Viscount Faulkeland.
Published 1641“…Great Britain Religion 17th century.…”
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