Search Results - "Louisville and Portland Canal."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Canals 80
- Investment of public funds 30
- Navigation improvements 29
- Tolls 29
- Canal companies 27
- Cost 27
- Stocks 27
- Federal aid to transportation 26
- Inland water transportation 19
- Financial statements 18
- Construction 17
- Locks (Hydraulic engineering) 14
- Rivers, creeks, streams, etc 13
- Waterfalls 13
- Maintenance and repair 10
- Stockholders 10
- Hydraulic engineering 9
- Legislative resolutions 9
- Federal receipts and expenditures 8
- Dividends 7
- Legislative amendments 7
- Public administration 7
- Dredging 6
- Hydrographic surveying 6
- Tonnage 6
- Claims 5
- Dams 5
- Public lands 5
- Federal-state relations 4
- Interstate commerce 4
Annual report of the President and Directors of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company
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Louisville and Portland Canal Basin.
Published 1890Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Annual report of the President and Directors of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company.
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Louisville and Portland Canal. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting report of the Louisville and Portland Canal, with estimate of the cost of repairing the same,...
Published 1857Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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In the Senate of the United States. March 8, 1860. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Saulsbury made the following report. (To accompany Joint Resolution S. 6.) The Committee on Commerc...
Published 1860Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed. Petition of sundry individuals, praying that the governm...
Published 1835Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, against the purchase, by the United States, of the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal. January 28, 1837. Laid on the table,...
Published 1837Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Louisville and Portland Canal. Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, against the purchase by the general government of the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company. J...
Published 1837Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Louisville and Portland Canal Company. To accompany Senate Bill No. 14. Fourth annual report of the President and directors of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company. February 4...
Published 1829Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1830. Laid on the table by the Honorable Mr. Rowan, and ordered to be printed. Fifth Annual Report of the President and directors of the...
Published 1830Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of St. Louis, Missouri, praying that the canal around the Falls of Ohio, now owned by a private company, may be made free for navigation. December 11...
Published 1832Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Pennsylvania, that the navigation through the canal at the Falls of the Ohio be made free. December 17, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Roads a...
Published 1832Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
In the Senate of the United States. February 9, 1857. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Slidell made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 579.) The Committee on Roads and Canals...
Published 1857Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Louisville and Portland Canal. Memorial from sundry citizens of the United States, praying Congress to purchase the Louisville and Portland Canal, and make it free of toll, &c. &c....
Published 1833Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Louisville and Portland Canal -- drainage rights. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the Chief of Engineers, in response to a resolution of the House callin...
Published 1887Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Kentucky Legislature -- purchase Louisville Canal. Resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky in relation to the purchase, by the United States, of the stock of the Louisville and...
Published 1835Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Louisville and Portland Company. January 15, 1838. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Published 1838Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating information in relation to the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company. February 19, 1851. Read, and ordered to be...
Published 1851Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Partition of certain land in Louisville, Ky. January 24, 1885. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.
Published 1885Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
In Senate of the United States. March 17, 1840. Submitted, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,000 additional copies be sent to the Senate. Mr. Young made the following report: (...
Published 1840Subjects: “…Louisville and Portland Canal Company.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook