Search Results - "Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Legislative resolutions 1,420
- Claims 1,166
- United States 1,117
- Requisitions, Military 705
- Judicial opinions 656
- Federal aid to transportation 513
- Financial statements 487
- Members of Congress (House) 422
- Wages and salaries 383
- House rules and procedure 353
- Resolutions, Legislative 336
- Contested elections 332
- Railroads 298
- Federal receipts and expenditures 277
- Congressionally-mandated reports 268
- Congressional elections (House) 261
- Postal service 258
- Navigation improvements 243
- Land grants 219
- Congressional investigations 208
- Election fraud 194
- Rivers, creeks, streams, etc 191
- Allegiance 186
- Government employees and officials 181
- Witnesses and testimony 180
- Congressional employees and officials 179
- Railroad construction 171
- Railroad land grants 164
- Foreign trade 160
- Printing 159
Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Company. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, praying for a renewal of the land grant to the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Company. January 29,...
Published 1872“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Amendment of Rule XXIII. January 24, 1887. -- Referred to the Committee on Rules and ordered to be printed.
Published 1887“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Slavery. Resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut, relative to slavery in the territories and District of Columbia. January 28, 1850. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be pr...
Published 1850“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Slavery. Resolutions of the Legislature of South Carolina, relative to the "Wilmot Proviso." February 12, 1849. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed
Published 1849“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Byington vs. Vandever. Memorial of Le Grand Byington, contesting the seat of the Hon. Mr. Vandever, of Iowa. December 2, 1861. -- Referred to the Committee of Elections, and ordere...
Published 1861“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Confiscation of rebel property. Resolution submitted by Mr. Campbell, on the subject of the confiscation of rebel property. December 2, 1861. -- Ordered to be printed, and further...
Published 1861“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Wagon road in New Mexico. Memorial of the Legislature of New Mexico, asking for a wagon road from Santa Fe to the granary of the north. April 11, 1864. -- Referred to the Committee...
Published 1864“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Grand Marais Harbor. Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Hon. J.B. Rice, transmitting report of survey of Grand Marais Harbor, of Lake Superior, in Minnesota. March 21, 1874....
Published 1874“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Land ceded to Great Britain on northeastern boundary. Resolution of the Legislature of Maine, in favor of the owners of certain land on the northeastern boundary ceded to Great Bri...
Published 1871“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Time of Attorney General's report to Congress. (To accompany Bill H.R. 1891.) Letter from the Attorney General, addressed to the Chairman of Committee on Appropriations, relative t...
Published 1872“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Montana war-claim. Testimony in relation to Indian war-claims of the Territory of Montana. May 18, 1872. -- Ordered to be printed.
Published 1872“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [Main Western Theater: Vicksburg Campaign and Siege; January-August 1863; Serie...
Published 1889“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [Main Western Theater: Middle Tennessee Operations/Morgan's Raids/Tullahoma Cam...
Published 1889“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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The War of the Rebellion: A compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [Main Eastern Theater: Blockade of the Chesapeake Bay/First Manassas Campaign/...
Published 1892“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [Main Western Theater and Trans-Mississippi Theater: Operations at the Ohio and...
Published 1892“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Winnebago and Superior Railroad. Memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, asking for a grant of land to aid in the construction of so much of the Winnebago and Superior Railroad a...
Published 1866“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Loss to Kentucky by rebel raids. Resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky, in relation to loss by rebel raids in that state. February 16, 1864. -- Referred to the Committee of Cl...
Published 1864“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Jones vs. Mann. Additional testimony in the case of Simon Jones vs. James Mann, Second Congressional District, Louisiana. January 11, 1869. -- Referred to the Committee of Election...
Published 1869“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Commissioners of Claims. First general report of the Commissioners of Claims. December 14, 1871. -- Referred to the Committee of Claims and ordered to be printed.
Published 1871“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Standing committees of the House of Representatives of the United States, Thirty-ninth Congress, first session, commencing Monday, December 4, 1865.
Published 1866“…Mis. doc. (United States. Congress. House)…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook