Search Results - "Music theory History 500-1400."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 184
- Music theory 184
- Music 39
- History and criticism 36
- Mensural notation 20
- Manuscripts 12
- Counterpoint 11
- Musical notation 10
- Gregorian chants 8
- Music, Greek and Roman 8
- Aesthetics, Medieval 6
- Harmony 5
- Musical intervals and scales 5
- Instruction and study 4
- Motets 4
- Philosophy and aesthetics 4
- Aesthetics, Modern 3
- Church music 3
- Influence 3
- Mamelukes 3
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) 3
- Neumes 3
- Organa 3
- Catholic Church 2
- Civilization, Medieval 2
- Composition (Music) 2
- Fauxbourdon 2
- Manuscripts, Medieval 2
- Musica ficta 2
- Musical meter and rhythm 2
Fundamentals of music / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius ; translated, with introduction and notes by Calvin M. Bower ; edited by Claude V. Palisca.
Published 1989Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Walteri Odington Summa de speculatione musicae / edidit Frederick F. Hammond.
Published 1970Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Quaestiones et solutiones / Anonymous (15th century) ; edited by Albert Seay.
Published 1977Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Aureliani Reomensis Musica disciplina / edidit Lawrence Gushee.
Published 1975Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Ms. Oxford, Bodley 842 (Willelmus) : Breviarium regulare musicae / edidit Gilbert Reaney. Ms. British Musem [sic] Royal 12. C. VI : Tractatus de figuris sive de notis / edidit Gilb...
Published 1966Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Guilielmi monachi De preceptis artis musicae / edidit Albertvs Seay.
Published 1965Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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De musica mensurata : the Anonymous of St. Emmeram / complete critical edition, translation, and commentary [by] Jeremy Yudkin.
Published 1990Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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The theory of hexachords, solmization, and the modal system : a practical application / by Gaston G. Allaire.
Published 1972Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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La théorie de la musique antique et médiévale / Michel Huglo.
Published 2005Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Guidonis Aretini "Regulae rhythmicae" / editae a Josepho Smits van Waesberghe ; cooperante Eduardo Vetter.
Published 1985Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Johannis Tinctoris opera theoretica / edidit Albertus Seay.
Published 1975Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Tractatus de tonis / Petrus de Cruce Ambianensi ; edidit Denis Harbinson.
Published 1976Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Ars musica / Johannes Aegidivs de Zamora ; edidit Michel Robert-Tissot.
Published 1974Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Ameri Practica artis musice / edidit Cesarino Ruini.
Published 1977Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Iohannis Vetuli de Anagnia Liber de musica / edidit Frederick Hammond.
Published 1977Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Hucbald, Guido, and John on music : three medieval treatises / translated by Warren Babb ; edited, with introductions, by Claude V. Palisca ; index of chants by Alejandro Enrique P...
Published 1978Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Der Musiktraktat des Johannes de Grocheo / nach den Quellen neu hrsg. mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Revisionsbericht von Ernst Rohloff.
Published 1943Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Micrologus / Edidit Jos. Smits van Waesberghe.
Published 1955Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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De musica / Edidit Jos. Smits van Waesberghe.
Published 1951Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”
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Recanetum de musica aurea, 1533. : Faksimile-Nachdruck / hrsg. von Suzanne Clercx.
Published 1969Subjects: “…Music theory History 500-1400.…”