Search Results - "Navigation Early works to 1800."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Navigation 481
- Trigonometry 33
- Logarithms 27
- Pilot guides 26
- Nautical astronomy 25
- Mathematics 23
- Astronomy 21
- Mathematical instruments 21
- Nautical almanacs 21
- Longitude 16
- Gunnery 14
- Nautical charts 14
- Dialing 13
- Geometry 13
- Almanacs 12
- Atlases 12
- Sundials 12
- Inland navigation 11
- Nautical instruments 10
- Naval art and science 10
- Maritime law 9
- Fireworks 8
- Seamanship 8
- Spherical astronomy 8
- Surveying 8
- Cosmography 6
- Ephemerides 6
- Commerce 4
- Latitude 4
- Slide-rule 4
Inconveniencies to the English nation which have ensued the Act of navigation, in reference to the growths of Norway, as was proved before the honourable the Committee of Parliamen...
Published 1668Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The seamans secrets devided [sic] into two parts : wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, paradoxall, and sayling upon a great circle : also an horizontall tyd...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The seaman's tutor, explaining geometry, cosmography, and trigonometry with requisite tables of longitude and latitude of sea-ports, traverse tables, tables of easting and westing,...
Published 1682Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The advancement of the art of navigation in two parts : the first shewing by a new canon of sines, tangents, and secants, how to resolve all cases of right-lined triangles, onely b...
Published 1657Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The advancement of the art of navigation in two parts, the first, shewing by a new canon of sines, tangents, and secants, how to resolve all cases of right-lined triangles, only by...
Published 1685Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The seamans secrets divided into two parts : wherein is taught the three kinds of sayling, horizontal, paradoxal, and sayling upon a great circle : also as horizontal tyde-table fo...
Published 1657Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The sea-mans practice contayning a fvndamentall probleme in navigation experimentally verified ... /
Published 1644Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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A light to the longitude, or, The use of an instrument called the seaman's director speedily resolving all astronomical cases and questions concerning the sun, moon, and stars : wi...
Published 1665Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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Mémoire sur la navigation de France aux Indes /
Published 1768Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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General introduction to a collection of plans of ports, &c. in the Indian navigation. Published by A Dalrymple
Published 1783Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The sea-mans practice containing a fundamental probleme in navigation, experimentally verified: namely, touching the compasse of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in...
Published 1659Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The seamans secrets devided [sic] into two parts : wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, paradoxall, and sayling upon a great circle : also an horizontall tyd...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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An advertisement, necessary to be observed in the navigation up and down the Channel of England. Communicated by a Fellow of the Royal Society
Published 1701Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The path-way to perfect sayling shewing briefly the six principall points or grounds of navigation /
Published 1644Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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An advertisement, necessary to be observed in the navigation up and down the Channel of England. Communicated by a Fellow of the Royal Society.
Published 1701Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The nauigators supply Conteining many things of principall importance belonging to nauigation, with the description and vse of diuerse instruments framed chiefly for that purpose;...
Published 1597Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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A very necessarie and profitable booke concerning nauigation, compiled in Latin by Ioannes Taisnierus, a publice professor in Rome, Ferraria, & other uniuersities in Italie of the...
Published 1575Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The pathway to perfect sayling Being a deliuerie in as breefe mannera as may bee, of the sixe principall pointes or groundes, concerning nauigation: written by Mr. Richard Polter,...
Published 1605Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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A friend to navigation plainely expressing to the capacity of the simpler so[rt] the whole misery or foundation of the same art for whose sake, the author hath onely penned this tr...
Published 1628Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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The seamans kalendar, or an ephemerides of the sunne, moon, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres
Published 1615Subjects: “…Navigation Early works to 1800.…”
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