Search Results - "Netherlands History 1648-1714"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 170
- Foreign relations 32
- Dutch War, 1672-1678 19
- Politics and government 10
- Tulip Mania, 1634-1637 10
- Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-1654 8
- Civilization 7
- History, Naval 7
- Anglo-Dutch War, 1664-1667 6
- Grand Alliance, War of the, 1689-1697 6
- Diplomatic relations 5
- Medals 5
- 1648-1714 4
- Colonies 4
- Kings and rulers 4
- Lynching 4
- Naval battles 4
- Naval operations 4
- Prophecies 4
- Relations 4
- Devolution, War of, 1667-1668 3
- Dutch influences 3
- International relations 3
- 1648-1614 2
- Archival resources 2
- Climate 2
- Climatic changes 2
- Climatology 2
- Commerce 2
- Description and travel 2
Historisch verhael en politique bedenckingen aengaende de bestieringe van staet- en oorloghs-saken, voor-gevallen onder de bedieningen van de Heeren Cornelis en Johan de Witt : beg...
Published 1677“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Histoire de Hollande contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus memorable dans cette republique & dans les autres etats de l'Europe depuis la paix de Nimegue jusqu'à celle de Ryswyk, ou,...
Published 1704“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Tulpen und Staatspapiere : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handels de 17ten und 19ten Jahrhunderts.
Published 1831“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Tulpen und Staatspapiere : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handels des 17ten und 19ten Jahrhunderts.
Published 1830“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Notable revolutions beeing a true relation of what hap'ned in the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the years MDCL and MDCLI somewhat before and after the death of the late Pr...
Published 1653“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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The Advice of the lords of Middleburrough brought into the assembly of the States-Provincial of Zealand.
Published 1684“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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A declaration of war by the States-General against the French, Hague, March 12, 1689
Published 1689“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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The Netherland-historian containing a true and exact relation of what hath passed in the late warrs between the King of Great Britain, and the French King with their allyes, agains...
Published 1675“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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A Copy of the resolution of the states provincial of Freezland relating to the levyes under debate in the States General, Fryday the 15/25 Feb., 1684.
Published 1684“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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The Congress at The Hague
Published 1691“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Stange [sic] and terrible news from Holland of a most lamentable tempest that happened at Utrecht and Amsterdam which did not only amaze the inhabitants, but did also very great da...
Published 1674“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Strange newes from Holland being a true character of the country and people : with the putting to death of De Wit, and his brother the Ruward van Putten, by the burgers at the Hagu...
Published 1672“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true relation at large of the whole proceedings during the imprisonment of Cornelius de Witt, old burgermaster of the city of Dort, ruwaert of the country of Putten, &c. as also...
Published 1672“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands by Sir William Temple ..
Published 1690“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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A relation of the French kings late expedition into the Spanish-Netherlands in the years 1667 and 1668 with an introduction discoursing his title thereunto, and an account of the p...
Published 1669“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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A placat of the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands conteining a sharp prohibition to the inhabitants of these lands, and also concerning the navigat...
Published 1672“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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A letter out of Holland, dated April 30, stilo novo wherein is shewn the desperate and distracted condition of those countries and people : with a prophecie inclosed, made by one o...
Published 1672“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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The deputies of the Republick of Amsterdam to the States of Holland convicted of high-treason written and proved by the Minister of State, according to a true copy printed at the H...
Published 1684“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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La France n'ayant pas cessé depuis la traité de paix conclu a Nimegue, de faire des infractions continuelles du mesme traité ... Whereas France, since the treaty of peace concluded...
Published 1683“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands by Sir William Temple ..
Published 1673“…Netherlands History 1648-1714.…”
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