Search Results - "Northwest Ordinance. 1787."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Statehood 38
- Territories and possessions 36
- Cabinet officers 35
- Members of Congress (Senate) 35
- Senate rules and procedure 35
- Supreme Court justices 35
- Presidential elections 34
- Constitutional amendments 24
- Impeachments 24
- Senate leadership 16
- Boundaries, State 15
- Oaths 13
- Ratification of constitutional amendments 13
- Federal-territorial relations 8
- Legislative resolutions 7
- Legislative amendments 6
- Territorial politics and government 6
- Commemorations 5
- Congressional publications 5
- Toledo War (1835) 5
- Federal-state relations 4
- Annexation (International law) 3
- Jurisdiction 3
- Population 3
- State constitutions 3
- Voting 3
- Annexation (Municipal and state government) 2
- Congressional delegations 2
- Congressional powers 2
- Constitutional law 2
Ordinance of 1787 and the settlement of the Northwest Territory. April 25, 1938. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printe...
Published 1938Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Michigan -- southern boundary. Memorial of citizens of Michigan, in relation to the southern boundary of the territory. April 19, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
Published 1836Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wisconsin, praying the alteration of the southern boundary line of said territory. January 28, 1839. Referred to the Commit...
Published 1839Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Michigan -- Legislature -- southern boundary. Memorial of the Legislative Council of Michigan, expressive of the views entertained by them on the subject of the southern boundary o...
Published 1834Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Slavery. Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to the application of the principles of the ordinance of 1787 to all the territories of the United States. December 31...
Published 1849Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Slavery and the Ordinance of '87. Resolution of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to slavery in territory to be acquired from Mexico. May 3, 1848. Referred to the Committee on Terr...
Published 1848Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
In the Senate of the United States. February 24, 1888. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, to accompany amendment by Mr. Hoar to H.R. __ (sundry civil appropriation bil...
Published 1888Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Northwest Territory Celebration Commission. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Northwest Territory...
Published 1938Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Southern boundary of Michigan. Proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of Detroit, and memorial of inhabitants of Michigan, upon the subject of the southern boundary thereof, &c....
Published 1836Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Wiskonsin. Petition for a repeal of so much of the act of Congress of April 18, 1818, as conflicts with the ordinance of 1787. May 25, 1840. Referred to the Committee on the Judici...
Published 1840Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
In Senate of the United States. January 3, 1850. Ordered to be printed. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Hale to the resolution submitted by Mr. Foote on the 27th December,...
Published 1850Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Michigan, Legislature of -- northern boundary of Ohio. Letter from the Governor of Michigan, transmitting resolutions of its Legislative Council in relation to the northern boundar...
Published 1835Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Resolutions of the Legislative Council of Michigan, relative to the establishment of the boundary line between that territory and the State of Ohio. January 5, 1835. Referred to th...
Published 1835Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
To provide for the observance and celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 and the settlement of the Northwest Territory. Ma...
Published 1935Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Wiskonsin -- southern boundary. Proceedings of a public meeting at Galena, in relation to the southern boundary of Wiskonsin Territory. May 25, 1840. Referred to the Committee on t...
Published 1840Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Oregon. (To accompany Bill S. 239.) January 18, 1859. -- Ordered to be printed.
Published 1859Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Wiskonsin. Petition for a repeal of so much of the act of Congress of April 18, 1818, as conflicts with the Ordinance of 1787. May 25, 1840. Referred to the Committee on the Judici...
Published 1840Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Report of the Committee of the Legislative Council of Michigan, relative to the southern boundary of that territory. April 1, 1834. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and...
Published 1834Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Memorial of Michigan. In the House of Representatives, January 5, 1836. Received, and a motion made to reject. January 11, 1836. Motion to reject, decided in the negative, and memo...
Published 1836Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook -
In Senate of the United States. March 1, 1836. Mr. Clinton made the following report; which was read, ordered to be printed, and that 5,000 additional copies be furnished for the u...
Published 1836Subjects: “…Northwest Ordinance. 1787.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook