Search Results - "Ready-reckoners."
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Ready-reckoners 262
- Interest 82
- Money 59
- Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc 20
- Arithmetic 16
- Roads 13
- Business mathematics 9
- Measurement 9
- Almanacs, English 7
- Building 6
- Commerce 5
- Lumber trade 5
- Tariff 5
- Bookkeeping 4
- Prices 4
- Weights and measures 4
- Estimates 3
- Foreign exchange 3
- Interest rates 3
- Logarithms 3
- Mathematical recreations 3
- Tonnage 3
- Accounting 2
- Almanacs, American 2
- Annuities 2
- Astronomy 2
- Coinage 2
- Commission merchants 2
- History 2
- Leases 2
Vade mecum, or, The necessary companion ...
Published 1679Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book -
Specie-boeck : Vervattende alderhande soo goude als silvere specien, waer in men sonder te rekenen alle sommen van penningen, die men ontfanght ende uyt-geeft, haestigh en seeckerl...
Published 1652Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The universal calculator, or, The merchant's, tradesman's, and family's assistant : being an entire, new, and complete set of tables, adapted for dealers in every branch of trade,...
Published 1784Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The vade mecum for America, or, A companion for traders and travellers : containing I. An exact and useful table ... together with several other instructive tables in arithmetick,...
Published 1732Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The commom measurer's daily assistant / by L. Murray.
Published 1777Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
Enchiridion arithmeticon, or, A manual of millions, or, Accounts ready cast up to shew suddenly thereby, the true value of any commoditie at any price whatsoever.
Published 1653Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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Microfilm Book -
The Federal or new ready reckoner, and traders useful assistant : in buying and selling all sorts of commodities, either wholesale or retail adapted to the federal money ... : toge...
Published 1793Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The federal calculator and American ready reckoner : containing federal arithmetic, the value of any number of yards, pounds, &c. from 1 to 1000 and from 1 mill to 1 dollar, tables...
Published 1795Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The Federal ready reckoner, or, Trader's valuable guide in purchasing and selling all kinds of articles by wholesale and retail : calculated in the federal currency ..
Published 1795Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The ready reckoner, or, Trader's most useful assistant in buying and selling all sorts of commodities, either wholesale or retail : shewing at one view the amount or value of any n...
Published 1793Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
Comes comercii, or, The trader's-companion : being a complete ready reckoner ... / by Edward Hatton.
Published 1794Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The ready reckoner, or, Trader's most useful assistant in buying and selling all sorts of commodities, either wholesale or retail : shewing at one view the amount or value of any n...
Published 1801Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
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eBook -
The vade mecum for America or, A companion for traders and travellers.
Published 1731Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Microfilm Book -
Der geschwinde Rechner, oder, Des Händlers nützlicher Gehülfe in Kaufung und Verkaufung von allerley Sachen sowohl im grossen als kleinen ... / von Daniel Fenning.
Published 1801Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
Microfilm Book -
The ready reckoner, or, Trader's useful assistant in buying and selling all sorts of commodities either wholesale or retail : shewing at one view, the amount or value of any number...
Published 1801Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
Microfilm Book -
Amerikanischer Rechnungs-Schlüssel, oder, Anfangs-Gründe der Rechenkunst zum Gebrauch der deutschen Schulen in den Vereinigten Staaten, und besonders in Pennsylvanien ... / den ame...
Published 1818Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
Microfilm Book -
The traders ready reckoner containing a marketing table, an interest table, a table for casting wages by the day and the month, and a table for casting gross weight / by Stephen Co...
Published 1819Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
Microfilm Book -
Complete ready-reckoner : shewing at one view the value of any quantity of goods, from one to ten thousand, at any price from one farthing to one pound ..
Published 1837Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Full Text (via Gale)
eBook -
The young man's best companion, or, Mathematical compendium, containing a great variety of very useful rules & examples in mathematics for the merchant, clerk, accountant & the mec...
Published 1872Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Online Access
Electronic eBook -
Panarithmologia, or, The trader's sure guide containing exact and useful tables ready cast up, adapted to the use of merchants, mercers, bankers, drapers, goldsmiths, grocers, brew...
Published 1700Subjects: “…Ready-reckoners.…”
Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book