Search Results - "South Sea Company"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Debts, Public 79
- History 66
- Finance 35
- Commerce 33
- Finance, Public 32
- Speculation 24
- Stock exchanges 23
- Politics and government 18
- Credit 13
- Law and legislation 11
- South Sea Bubble, Great Britain, 1720 11
- Economic conditions 10
- Elections 10
- Financial crises 9
- Stocks 9
- Commercial policy 8
- Foreign relations 8
- Economic history 7
- Estate sales 7
- Trading companies 7
- Fraud 6
- Officials and employees 6
- Trials, litigation, etc 6
- Colonies 5
- Annuities 4
- Commercial crimes 4
- Debtor and creditor 4
- Political corruption 4
- Sinking-funds 4
- Slave trade 4
Remarks on the observations on roofing houses
Published 1789Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Remarks on the considerations on the bill for prohibiting the importation of the growth and commodities of Spain, now depending in the House of Lords. With a A fair state of the Sp...
Published 1740Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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The Case of the present possessors of the French lands in the island of St. Christophers Humbly offered to the consideration of His Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament. Occasioned by a petition resolved upon at the last General Court of the South Sea Company, to be presented to His Majesty, that...
Published 1721Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Argument to shew the disadvantage that would accrue to the publick, from obliging the South-Sea Company to fix what capital stock they will give...
Published 1720Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Some further computations relating to South-Sea stock With a proposal made therefrom, to be laid before the House of Commons, at the meeting of the Parliament. By Archibald Hutches...
Published 1721Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Index rerum & vocabulorum, for the use of the freeholders of counties, and freemen of corporations
Published 1724Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Considerations on the revival of the Royal-British-Assiento; between His Catholick-Majesty, and the Honourable the South-Sea Company With an humble attempt to unite the African-...
Published 1749Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Farther considerations on the present state of affairs, at home and abroad, as affected by the late convention, in a letter to the minister With an appendix; containing a true state of the South-Sea Company's affairs in 1718.
Published 1739Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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The schemes of the South-Sea Company and the Bank of England as propos'd to the Parliament for the reducing of the national debts
Published 1720Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Reasons for making void and annulling those fraudulent and usurious contracts, into which multitudes of unhappy persons have been drawn, to the utter ruin of themselves and families, by the late directors of the South-Sea Company, their agents and confederates. Humbly...
Published 1721Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Act for enlarging the term and powers granted by an Act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the First, intituled, An Act for repairing and wi...
Published 1741Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Act for encouraging the making of Indico in the British plantations in America
Published 1748Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Act for enlarging the term and powers granted by two Acts of Parliament, for laying a duty of two penny Scots upon every pint of ale and beer brewed and vended within the town o...
Published 1747Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An act for enabling the Right Honourable John Thynne Lord Chedworth to settle a jointure on Martha Parker, spinster, one of the daughters of Sir Philip Parker Long, baronet, deceas...
Published 1751Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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A collection of treatises relating to the publick debts, and the discharge of the same Publish'd at several times for the service of the members of the House of Commons. By Archiba...
Published 1720Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Act for encouraging the people known by the name of Unitas Fratrum or United Brethren, to settle in His Majesty's colonies in America
Published 1749Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Remarks upon several pamphlets writ in opposition to the South-Sea scheme Particularly, an examination and explanation of the South-Sea scheme, &c. And a farther examination and explanation, &c. And a letter of thanks from the author of the comparison between The proposals of the bank and the South-Sea, to the author of The argument shewing the disadvantage that would accrue to the publick from obliging the South Sea Company to fix what capital stock they will give...
Published 1720Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An Argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners Is a treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, dangerous to the kingdom, an affronr to the nobility...
Published 1717Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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An act for enlarging the times appointed by an act, passed in the second year of the reign of His Present Majesty, for dividing and inclosing a certain moor or common, within the m...
Published 1763Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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Abstract of the charter of the Governour and Company of Merchants of Great Britain, Trading to the South-Seas, and Other Parts of America, and for Encouraging the Fishery
Published 1711Subjects: “…South Sea Company.…”
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