Search Results - "Transcontinental railroad."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Transcontinental railroad 271
- Railroad construction 189
- Federal aid to transportation 159
- Railroad land grants 104
- Railroads 97
- Surveying 81
- Legislative resolutions 60
- Railroad finance 53
- Financial statements 44
- Site selection 44
- Discovery and exploration 41
- Design and construction 36
- Pacific railroad surveys (1853-1856) 36
- Railroad construction workers 36
- Cost 35
- State of the Union 31
- Telegraph 28
- Federal receipts and expenditures 27
- Public land sales 25
- Public lands 24
- Indians 23
- Resolutions, Legislative 23
- Government securities 21
- Military pensions 21
- Transportation law and legislation 20
- Federal-Indian relations 19
- International relations 19
- Mines and mineral resources 18
- Indian and white depredations 17
- Railroad engineering 17
Memorial of members of the Legislature of Kentucky, asking that Columbus, on the Mississippi River, may be made the eastern terminus of a railroad to the Pacific. April 4, 1850. Re...
Published 1850Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Pacific railroad. Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Arkansas, asking for the location of the Pacific railroad on or near the 35th parallel of north latitude. January 15...
Published 1859Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolution of the Legislature of Iowa, requesting change in the route of the Sioux City branch of the Pacific Railroad, and that an independent company may be authorized to build t...
Published 1864Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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In the Senate of the United States. March 10, 1864. -- Submitted, agreed to, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Lane, of Kansas, submitted the following resolution. Resolved, that the...
Published 1864Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, in favor of the construction of a railroad from the states bordering on the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. February...
Published 1855Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
Railroad to the Pacific. Memorial of the Legislature of Iowa, asking for the construction of a railroad from the states bordering on the Mississippi River, via the Platte valley an...
Published 1855Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of California, in favor of the construction of a national railroad from the Pacific Ocean to the Mississippi River. December 30, 1850. Referred to th...
Published 1850Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Railroad to the Pacific Ocean. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to a railroad to the Pacific Ocean. May 21, 1856. -- Referred to the Select Committee on the Pacific...
Published 1856Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Austin-Topolovampo Pacific route. April 6, 1876. -- Committee to the Committee of the Whole House and on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed.
Published 1876Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Memorial of a committee appointed at a railroad convention, held at Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 4th of July, 1852, in favor of the construction of a railroad from the Mississippi...
Published 1852Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of the Territory of Washington, relative to the construction of a national railroad across the continent from the Atlantic States to the Pacific Ocea...
Published 1858Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota in favor of the location of the North or Sioux City branch of the Pacific Railroad, westwardly, as near as it may be, along...
Published 1865Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of Tennessee, in relation to the construction of a railroad to the Pacific. March 22, 1850. Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.
Published 1850Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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[Report of the Secretary of War transmitting maps and illustrations from the several Pacific Railroad Explorations.]
Published 1854Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Memorial of the Legislature of Missouri, on the subject of the Central Pacific Railroad. January 3, 1850. Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.
Published 1850Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, in favor of provision being made for the construction of a railroad to the Pacific Ocean. May 15, 1856. -- Ordered to lie on the table and b...
Published 1856Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of California, in favor of the speedy construction of a national railroad from the valley of the Mississippi to some point in California. December 9,...
Published 1857Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Northern and Pacific railroad. Letter from the Secretary of the Territory of Washington, communicating resolutions of that territory relative to the construction of a Northern Paci...
Published 1858Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of New York, relative to the Pacific railroad. May 19, 1858. -- Ordered to lie on the table and be printed.
Published 1858Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook -
North branch of the Union Pacific Railroad. Resolutions of the Legislature of Wisconsin, in relation to the north branch of the Union Pacific Railroad. March 9, 1874. -- Referred t...
Published 1874Subjects: “…Transcontinental railroad.…”
Online Access
Government Document Electronic eBook