Search Results - "Voyages and travels Early works to 1800."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Voyages and travels 327
- Description and travel 52
- Travel 41
- Discoveries in geography 28
- History 24
- Discovery and exploration 20
- English 18
- Manners and customs 11
- Voyages around the world 11
- Social life and customs 8
- Travelers' writings 8
- Education 7
- Conduct of life 6
- Discoveries (in geography), English 6
- Young men 6
- British 5
- Intellectual life 5
- Judaism 5
- Travel writers 5
- Travelers 5
- Travelers' writings, English 5
- Characters and characteristics 4
- Clergy 4
- Explorers 4
- History and criticism 4
- Mongols 4
- Natural history 4
- Navigation 4
- Christianity 3
- Early maps 3
Than is there an other yle ye men call Dodye
Published 1503Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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North-vvest Fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage Beginning vvith King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe abstracts...
Published 1635Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America, and the ilands adiacent vnto the same made first of all by our Englishmen, and afterward by the Frenchmen and Britons: and certai...
Published 1582Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Here begynneth a lytell treatyse or booke named Johan Mau[n]deuyll knyght born in Englonde in the towne of saynt Albone [and] speketh of the wayes of the holy londe towarde Jherusa...
Published 1499Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A most delectable and true discourse, of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke With the particular descrip...
Published 1616Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The totall discourse, of the rare aduentures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares trauayles, from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affr...
Published 1632Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affri...
Published 1640Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The rare and most vvonderfull things vvhich Edvv. VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlehem and...
Published 2003Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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That is made of calamelles, & therof is sugre made.
Published 1510Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Some necessary directions whereby one may see at what time the passage-boats and waggons go off in Holland, Friesland, and Germany collected for the use and benefit of travellers ;...
Published 1710Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A true relation of the travailes and most miserable captiuitie of William Dauies, barber-surgion of London, vnder the Duke of Florence VVherein is truly set downe the manner of his...
Published 1614Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A true and large discourse of the voyage of the whole fleete of ships set forth the 20. of Aprill 1601. by the Gouernours and assistants of the East Indian marchants in London, to...
Published 1603Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Lithgow's nineteen years travels through the most eminent places in the habitable world Containing an exact description of the customs, laws, religion, policies, and government of...
Published 1692Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Some years travels into divers parts of Africa and Asia the great Describing more particularly the empires of Persia and Industan: interwoven with such remarkable occurrences as ha...
Published 1664Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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[Here endeth the boke of Iohn Maunduyle knyght of wayes to Ierusalem [and] of marueylys of y5xx]
Published 1496Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Strange and wonderfull things. Happened to Richard Hasleton, borne at Braintree in Essex, in his ten yeares trauailes in many forraine countries. Penned as he deliuered it from his...
Published 1595Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America, and the ilands adiacent vnto the same made first of all by our Englishmen, and afterward by the Frenchmen and Britons: and certai...
Published 1582Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The voyages and trauailes of Sir John Mandeuile knight Wherein is set downe the way to the holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the great Caane, and of Prester Ioh...
Published 1618Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The voiag[e] and trauayle, of syr Iohn Maundeuile knight, which treateth of the way toward Hierusalem, and of maruayles of Inde with other ilands and countryes
Published 1568Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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North-vvest Fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage Beginning vvith King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe abstracts...
Published 1635Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Electronic eBook