Search Results - "Voyages and travels Early works to 1800."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Voyages and travels 327
- Description and travel 52
- Travel 41
- Discoveries in geography 28
- History 24
- Discovery and exploration 20
- English 18
- Manners and customs 11
- Voyages around the world 11
- Social life and customs 8
- Travelers' writings 8
- Education 7
- Conduct of life 6
- Discoveries (in geography), English 6
- Young men 6
- British 5
- Intellectual life 5
- Judaism 5
- Travel writers 5
- Travelers 5
- Travelers' writings, English 5
- Characters and characteristics 4
- Clergy 4
- Explorers 4
- History and criticism 4
- Mongols 4
- Natural history 4
- Navigation 4
- Christianity 3
- Early maps 3
The voyages and trauailes of Sir Iohn Mandeuile knight. Wherein is treated of the way towards Hierusalem, and of meruailes of Inde, with other lands and countries.
Published 1612Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A true relation of the travailes and most miserable captiuitie of William Dauies, barber-surgion of London, vnder the Duke of Florence VVherein is truly set downe the manner of his...
Published 2005Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A most delectable and true discourse, of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke With the particular descrip...
Published 2005Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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[Here endeth the boke of Iohn Maunduyle knyght of wayes to Ierusalem [and] of marueylys of y5xx]
Published 1496Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A true relation of the travailes and most miserable captiuitie of William Dauies, barber-surgion of London, vnder the Duke of Florence VVherein is truly set downe the manner of his...
Published 1614Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The voyages and trauailes of Sir Iohn Mandeuile Knight Wherein is set downe the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the great Caane, and of Præster Ioh...
Published 1625Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The voyages and travailes of Sir Iohn Mandevile, Knight Wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the great Caane, and of Prester Ioh...
Published 1639Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Purchas his pilgrimes In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the...
Published 1625Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Than is there an other yle ye men call Dodye
Published 1503Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Here begynneth a lytell treatyse or booke named Johan Mau[n]deuyll knyght born in Englonde in the towne of saynt Albone [and] speketh of the wayes of the holy londe towarde Jherusa...
Published 1499Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affri...
Published 1640Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Voyages and travels over all Europe Containing all that is most curious in that part of the world. In eight tomes. Done out of French.
Published 1693Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The voyages and travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight Wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the great Caane, and of Prester John:...
Published 1657Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the great Caan, and of Prestor John: to...
Published 1696Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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of delyces where a man shall fynde all maner of fruytes in all tymes . . .
Published 1510Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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A letter from an English traveler at Rome, to his father of the 6th of May, 1721. O.S
Published 1721Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
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The gentleman's guide in his tour through France Wrote by an officer in the Royal-Navy. Who lately travelled on a principle, which he most sinerely recommends to his countrymen, vi...
Published 1767Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
Online Access
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A new, royal, authentic, complete, and universal system of geography; or, A modern history and description of the whole world Containing new, full, accurate, authentic, and interes...
Published 1794Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
Online Access
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A New collection of voyages and travels, dedicated to His Majesty, to be completed in twenty pocket volumes, printed on a very superior paper, and a new and elegant type; each volu...
Published 1796Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
Online Access
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Terra Australis cognita: or, Voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries Containing an account of the manner...
Published 1766Subjects: “…Voyages and travels Early works to 1800.…”
Online Access
Electronic eBook