Search Results - "Warwick, Robert Rich,"
A letter sent from the Right Honorable Robert Earle of Warwik, admirall of the sea, to Mr. Iohn Pim, Esquire, and by him presented by both House of Parliament, Iuly 6, 1642
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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A True relation of some notable passages faithfully performed on the coasts of England and Ireland by some of the ships under the command of the Right Honorable Robert Earle of VVa...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The declaration and resolution of Robert Earle of VVarvvick, Lord Admirall for the King, Parliament of England, and all the officers, and sea-men a boord, his Navie touching the pe...
Published 1648Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, whereby Robert Earle of Warwicke is made Governour in chiefe, and Lord high Admirall of all those islands, and other...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Whereby Robert Earle of Warwicke is made governour in chiefe, and Lord high admirall of all those islands and other pl...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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Ioyfull nevves from sea, or, Good tidings from my Lord of Warwicke, of his encounter with some Spanish ships, with the happy successe he obtained thereby also herein is declared wh...
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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Articles and acts of Parliament taken out of the records of the tower shewing how traytors have seduced the King by wicked counsell to take him from his Parliament and to raise war...
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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A true relation of the army set out by the county of Essex under the command of the Right Honourable Earle of Warwick for the defence of the King and Parliament containing 12000 ho...
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The Copie of a letter sent from Exeter by a gentleman of quality to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London shewing how the enemy have beseiged the said city and how they lye qua...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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A message from His Highness the Prince of Wales to His Majesty, and the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight with his declaration concerning the Earl of Warwick, and the Parliaments...
Published 1648Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The answere of his Highnes the Prince of Wales, to a loose paper sent aboard his fleet by the Earle of Warwick.
Published 1648Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The copie of a letter sent from Exeter, by a gentleman of quality, to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London. Shewing, how the enemy have besieged the said city, and how they ly...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, whereby Robert Earle of Warwicke is made Governour in chiefe, and Lord high Admirall of all those islands, and other...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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Articles and acts of Parliament: taken out of the records of the Tower, shewing how traytors have seduced the king by wicked counsell to take him from his Parliament, and to raise...
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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A letter sent from the Right Honorable Robert Earle of Warwik, admirall of the sea; to Mr. Iohn Pim, Esquire; and by him presented by both House of Parliament, Iuly 6, 1642. Mercur...
Published 1642Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The navall expedition, of the Right Honourable, Robert, Earle of Warwick, (Lord High Admiral of England) against the revolted ships: being a true and perfect relation of the whole...
Published 1649Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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The declaration and resolution of Robert Earle of VVarvvick, Lord Admirall for the King, Parliament of England, and all the officers, and sea-men a boord, his Navie touching the pe...
Published 1648Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The Copie of a letter sent from Exeter by a gentleman of quality to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London shewing how the enemy have beseiged the said city and how they lye qua...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Whereby Robert Earle of Warwicke is made governour in chiefe, and Lord high admirall of all those islands and other pl...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A True relation of some notable passages faithfully performed on the coasts of England and Ireland by some of the ships under the command of the Right Honorable Robert Earle of VVa...
Published 1643Subjects: “…Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658.…”
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Electronic eBook