Search Results - "public law"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Law and legislation 8,375
- Legislative history 1,758
- Appropriations and expenditures 1,414
- Post office buildings 1,197
- Legal status, laws, etc 1,038
- Finance 910
- Federal Legislation 769
- Prevention 615
- Finance, Public 595
- History 590
- Debts, Public 575
- Elementary Secondary Education 568
- Politics and government 561
- Foreign relations 552
- Officials and employees 496
- Budget 486
- Veterans 472
- Indians of North America 445
- Public law 445
- Taxation 431
- Registration and transfer 427
- Disabilities 423
- Land titles 414
- Law 395
- Government policy 388
- Armed Forces 356
- Educational Legislation 311
- Public buildings 309
- Economic sanctions, American 302
- Legislative amendments 301