Search Results - "veterinary medicine"

  1. 241

    Epidemiology and prevention of brucellosis = Epidemiologiia i profilaktika brutselleza.

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  2. 242
  3. 243

    The Production of antibodies and tissue changes in experimental brucellosis in young rabbits = Tvorba protilatek a tkanove zmeny pri experimentalni brucelose kralicich mladat /

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  4. 244

    Enteritis, or So-Called Bloat, in Domestic Rabbits.

    Published 1943
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Full Text (via ProQuest)
    Government Document eBook
  5. 245
  6. 246

    Black's veterinary dictionary /

    Published 1979
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine Dictionaries.…”
  7. 247
  8. 248

    An additional method of determining bacteria of the Brucella genus = Dopolnitel'nyi sposob opredeleniia prinadlezhnosti bakterii k rodu Brucella / by Vershilova, P. A.

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  9. 249

    Assessment of doubtful agglutination tests for brucellosis by using the reduction test = Ocena watpliwosci reakcji aglutynacyjnych przy uzyciu testu redukcyjnego / by Romanowska, Danuta

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  10. 250
  11. 251

    Practice of brucellosis control = Iz opyta bor'by s brutsellezom / by Poguliai, V. D.

    Published 1986
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  12. 252
  13. 253
  14. 254

    Leucocyte lysis reaction in guinea pigs infected with brucellosis = Reaktsiia lizisa leikotsitov u morskikh svinok pri brutselleze / by Chernysheva, M. I. (Immunologist)

    Published 1986
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  15. 255

    Nature of the complement fixation reaction. Naturaleza de la reaccion de fijacion del complemento. I. Aspectos cuantitativos de su mecanismo / by Pirosky, R. de

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  16. 256
  17. 257

    A radical brucellosis control method for heavily infected areas = Plan tlumeni brucelozy radikalni metodou v silne zamorenych okresech / by Hrabeta, O.

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  18. 258

    Manometric determination of Brucellae. Manometrichni opredeleniia pri brutselite. II, Poglushtane na kislorod ot niakon varianti na brutselite / by Todorov, T.

    Published 1985
    Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
    Government Document Book
  19. 259
  20. 260
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