Search Results - "veterinary medicine"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Veterinary medicine 3,029
- Diseases 678
- Study and teaching 502
- Veterinarians 235
- Horses 229
- Veterinary surgery 226
- Veterinary Medicine 214
- Cattle 184
- Brucellosis 178
- Animals 158
- Higher Education 158
- Livestock 145
- Dogs 133
- Pet medicine 129
- Medicine 120
- Brucella 103
- Newcastle disease 94
- Research 94
- Cats 80
- Domestic animals 80
- Pets 80
- Sheep 77
- Swine 68
- Professional Education 64
- Zoology 64
- Medical Education 63
- Dentistry 61
- Diagnosis 61
- Mycoplasmatales 59
- Veterinary drugs 59
Epidemiology and prevention of brucellosis = Epidemiologiia i profilaktika brutselleza.
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Nutritive media accelerating the growth of brucella and aiding in their detection among other microflora = Pitatel'nye sredy, uskoriaiushchie rost brutsell i sposobst uiushchie ind...
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
The Production of antibodies and tissue changes in experimental brucellosis in young rabbits = Tvorba protilatek a tkanove zmeny pri experimentalni brucelose kralicich mladat /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Enteritis, or So-Called Bloat, in Domestic Rabbits.
Published 1943Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
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Government Document eBook -
Pathomorphological changes in female buffaloes killed at various times after reinfection with Brucella = Patomorfologicheskie izmeneniia u buivolits, zabitykh v raznye sroki posle...
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Coprocultures: realization and interpretation of a view of diagnosing digestive strongyles in ruminants and pork = Les coprocultures: realisation, interpretation en vue de la diagn...
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
An additional method of determining bacteria of the Brucella genus = Dopolnitel'nyi sposob opredeleniia prinadlezhnosti bakterii k rodu Brucella /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Assessment of doubtful agglutination tests for brucellosis by using the reduction test = Ocena watpliwosci reakcji aglutynacyjnych przy uzyciu testu redukcyjnego /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Medium for the isolation and culture of mycoplasmas from pathological products, cell cultures and contaminated biological products = Milieu pour l'isolement et la culture des mycop...
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Practice of brucellosis control = Iz opyta bor'by s brutsellezom /
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Immunological research on pleuropneumonia. Recherches immunologiques sur la peripneumonie. V. Relations antigeniques entre Mycoplasma mycoides var. mycoides, Mycoplasma mycoides va...
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Counter immunoelectrophoresis with a brucellin antigen in the serological diagnosis of brucellosis = Contre immunoelectrophorese a l'antigene brucelline dans le diagnostic serologi...
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Leucocyte lysis reaction in guinea pigs infected with brucellosis = Reaktsiia lizisa leikotsitov u morskikh svinok pri brutselleze /
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Nature of the complement fixation reaction. Naturaleza de la reaccion de fijacion del complemento. I. Aspectos cuantitativos de su mecanismo /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Typological analysis of the response from serological and hypersensitivity tests for brucellosis = Analyse typologique des responses aux tests serologiques et d'hypersensibilite de...
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
A radical brucellosis control method for heavily infected areas = Plan tlumeni brucelozy radikalni metodou v silne zamorenych okresech /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Manometric determination of Brucellae. Manometrichni opredeleniia pri brutselite. II, Poglushtane na kislorod ot niakon varianti na brutselite /
Published 1985Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
The immunochemical and biological role of brucella proteins, saccharides and polysaccharides = La role immunochimique et biologique des proteines, des saccharides et polysaccharide...
Published 1986Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book -
Immunization of ewe against the experimental infection with Brucella melitensis : comparison of eleven vaccines = Immunisation de la brebis contre l'infection experimentale a Bruce...
Published 1979Subjects: “…Veterinary medicine.…”
Government Document Book