Search Results - [I. Barker],
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- Prices 10
- Wine 10
- Plague 6
- Embezzlement 4
- History 4
- Prizes 4
- Rogues and vagabonds 4
- Sermons, English 4
- Politics and government 3
- Apprentices 2
- Christian life 2
- Church and state 2
- Church buildings 2
- Commerce 2
- Conduct of life 2
- Desertion, Naval 2
- Divine right of kings 2
- Episcopacy 2
- Families 2
- Flax 2
- Government, Resistance to 2
- Hemp 2
- Mother and child 2
- Perspective 2
- Proclamations 2
- Religious aspects 2
- Religious life 2
- Repentance 2
- Shades and shadows 2
- Terms of court 2
Durham Surrealist Festival [Nov. 18-Dec. 6, 1968] /
Published 1969“…[I. Barker],…”
Conference Proceeding Book -
Chronological tables of Europe from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1726. Engraven on 46 copper-plates, ... By Colonel Parsons.
Published 1740“…printed for B. and B. Barker and I. Stagg,…”
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Electronic eBook -
De imperandi authoritate, et Christiana obedientia, libri quatuor. Authore Hadriano Sarauia
Published 1593“…Excudebant Reg. typog. [i.e. deputies of Christopher Barker],…”
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Electronic eBook -
De imperandi authoritate, et Christiana obedientia, libri quatuor. Authore Hadriano Sarauia
Published 1593“…Excudebant Reg. typog. [i.e. deputies of Christopher Barker],…”
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Electronic eBook -
Pregethau a osodwyd allan trwy awdurdod i'w darllein ymhob Eglwys blwyf a phob capel er adailadaeth i't bobl anny[...]dig. Gwedi eu troi i'r iaith gymeraig [tr]wy waith Edward Iame...
Published 1606“…Robert Barker printiwr i odidawgaf fawrhydi y Brenin a'i …”
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Electronic eBook -
Pregethau a osodwyd allan trwy awdurdod i'w darllein ymhob Eglwys blwyf a phob capel er adailadaeth i't bobl anny[...]dig. Gwedi eu troi i'r iaith gymeraig [tr]wy waith Edward Iame...
Published 1606“…Robert Barker printiwr i odidawgaf fawrhydi y Brenin a'i …”
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Electronic eBook -
A declaration of an order for the making of certaine small cases for ballaunces and waightes to weigh all maner of golde coynes currant within the realme prouided to be solde to...
Published 1618“…deputies of Christopher Barker [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ...,…”
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Electronic eBook -
Treatie of marine, between the Illustrious and Most Mightie King Charles the Second ... and the High & Mightie Lords, the States Generall of the Vnited Netherlands to be observed i...
Published 1675“…Printed by the assings [i.e. assigns] of Iohn Bill, and Christopher Barker …”
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Microfilm Book -
A short account of the nature and use of maps As also some short discourses of the division of the earth into zones, climes and parallels; ... To which is subjoined a catalogue of...
Published 1703“…Janeway, for Benj. Barke [sic, i.e. Barker],…”
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Electronic eBook -
Treatie of marine, between the Illustrious and Most Mightie King Charles the Second ... and the High & Mightie Lords, the States Generall of the Vnited Netherlands to be observed i...
Published 1675“…Printed by the assings [i.e. assigns] of Iohn Bill, and Christopher Barker …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the King. A proclamation for removing the receipt of His Majesties Exchequer from Non-such to Westminster.
Published 1666“…Barker ...,…”
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eBook -
The New Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christ
Published 1536“…[I]mprinted by the deputy of Christopher Barker, …”
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Electronic eBook -
Llyfer gweddi gyffredin, a gwenidogaeth y sacramentau, ac eraill gynneddfau a ceremoniau yn Eglwys Loegr.
Published 1599“…Ddeputiaid Christopher Barker Printiwr i ardderchoccaf Fawrhydi y Frenhines.,…”
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Electronic eBook -
His Majesties declaration against the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countreys
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Microfilm Book -
Defensio tractationis de diuersis ministrorum euangelij gradibus, ab Hadriano Sarauia editæ contra responsionem clarissimi viri D. Theodori Bezæ, eodem Hadriano Sarauia authore.
Published 1594“…Excudebant reg. typog. [i.e. the deputies of Christopher Barker and Eliot's …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the Queene. A proclamation made for the reuerent vsage of all churches and churchyardes
Published 1618“…By Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the Queene. Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the xxiiii. yere of the reigne of the late king, of most famous memory King Henry the eight, father to our most grac...
Published 1618“…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the Queene. The Queenes most excellent Maiestie being credibly enformed that many vagabonds, rogues, idle persons, and masterlesse men hauing nothing to liue on, doe dayly resor...
Published 1618“…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes Maiestie our most gratious soueraigne Lady, by reason of the plague and pestilence, aswell in the citie of London, as in the citie of Westminster...
Published 1618“…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton …”
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Electronic eBook -
By the Queene. Whereas by the auncient treaties of entrecourses, which from time to time haue bene renewed betweene the Queenes Maiestie our most gracious soueraigne lady, and diue...
Published 1618“…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton …”
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Electronic eBook