Search Results - A dictionary of true etymologies.
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- English language 7
- Etymology 3
- American poetry 2
- English 2
- Latin 2
- Latin language 2
- German 1
The universal etymological English dictionary in two parts: containing,...
Published 1727Full Text (via Gale)
The universal etymological English dictionary: in two parts: containing, I. An additional collection 1. of some thousands of words not in the former volume, ... II. An orthographical dictionary, ... A work useful for such as would understand what they rea -- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Electronic eBook -
The new universal etymological English dictionary containing an additional collection of words (not in the first volume) with their explications and etymologies from the ancient British, Teutonick, Dutch, Saxon, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, &c. each in its proper character. Also an explication of hard and technical words, or terms, in all arts and sciences; with accents directing to their proper pronunciation, shewing both the orthography and orthoepia of the English tongue. Illustrated with some hundred cuts, giving a clearer idea of those figures, not so well apprehended by verbal description. Likewise a collection and explanation of words and phrases used in our ancient charters, statutes, writs, old records, and processes at law. Also the theogony, theology, and mythology of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, &c. being an account of their deities, solemnities, divinations, auguries, oracles, and hieroglyphicks. A work useful for such as would understand what they read and hear, speak what they mean, and write true English. To which is added, a dictionary of...
Published 1756Online Access
Electronic eBook -
Mr. Nathan Bailey's English dictionary Shewing both the orthography and the orthoepia of that tongue, by I. Accents placed on each word, directing to their true pronunciation. II. Distinguishing those words of approved authority from those that are not. III. Their various senses and significations, in English, and also French, Latin and German. IV. The idiom, phrases and proverbial sentences belonging to it. V. A short pointing at the French and Latin etymology. A work useful for such as would speak what they mean in a proper and pure diction; and write true English....
Published 1736Online Access
Electronic eBook -