Search Results - A word of counsel.
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- Society of Friends 32
- Christian life 25
- Doctrines 12
- Devotional literature 10
- History 10
- Charity 9
- Law 9
- Conduct of life 8
- Heaven 8
- Sunday 8
- Medicine 7
- Prophecies 7
- Religious aspects 7
- Judaism 6
- Marriage 6
- Sermons, English 6
- Church history 5
- Law (Theology) 5
- Christian literature 4
- Eschatology 4
- Government 4
- Holy Spirit 4
- Separatists 4
- Theological virtues 4
- Christianity 3
- Law and legislation 3
- Meditations 3
- Persecutions 3
- Politics and government 3
- Quakers 3
The mighty day of the Lord, is coming. In which, Christ is exalting King upon the holy hill of Sion, over all the world to reign, who in this day of the Lord knocks at the door of the heart of Jew and Gentile, kindreds, tongues, people and nations, who desires to know the onely true God, and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent to be the light of the world, and salvation to the ends of the earth, to all that obey him; but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to all...
Published 1656Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mighty day of the Lord, is coming. In which, Christ is exalting King upon the holy hill of Sion, over all the world to reign, who in this day of the Lord knocks at the door of the heart of Jew and Gentile, kindreds, tongues, people and nations, who desires to know the onely true God, and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent to be the light of the world, and salvation to the ends of the earth, to all that obey him; but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to all...
Published 1656Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Self knowledge and guide to sex instruction : vital facts of life for all ages : a complete and comprehensive guide to parents for the proper instruction of their children, concerning the delicate questions of life ; timely help for the boy and girl, at the ages of greatest danger, with warnings of the pitfalls which lie hidden in their pathway, together with Vital information for the marriageable; Safe, sane, scientific counsel for the married of all ages, including knowledge vital to those in middle life and declining years, with a word of warning against the prevailing ignorance...
Published 1913Full Text (via Gale)
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A true prophecy of the mighty day of the Lord, which is coming and is appeared in the north of England, and is arising toward the south, and shall overspread all the nations of the world. Wherein he is gathering his elect together out of all forms, observations, kindreds, tongues and nations; and is making up his jewels, his mighty Host, and is exalting Jesus Christ to be King of Kings, to go before his army which he hath raised up in the north of England, and is marching towards the south in mighty power to cut down high and low, rich and poor, priest and people, and all the powers of the land, and all the world over, that are fruitless trees, that cumber the ground, defile the flesh, and walk in disobedience to the righteous law of God, the pure light in the conscience: for who falls on this stone shall be broken; but on whom it falls, shall be ground to powder. A word from the Lord to all the inhabitants of...
Published 1654Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true prophecy of the mighty day of the Lord, which is coming and is appeared in the north of England, and is arising toward the south, and shall overspread all the nations of the world. Wherein he is gathering his elect together out of all forms, observations, kindreds, tongues and nations; and is making up his jewels, his mighty Host, and is exalting Jesus Christ to be King of Kings, to go before his army which he hath raised up in the north of England, and is marching towards the south in mighty power to cut down high and low, rich and poor, priest and people, and all the powers of the land, and all the world over, that are fruitless trees, that cumber the ground, defile the flesh, and walk in disobedience to the righteous law of God, the pure light in the conscience: for who falls on this stone shall be broken; but on whom it falls, shall be ground to powder. A word from the Lord to all the inhabitants of...
Published 1654Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The practice of physick, in seventeen several books. Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs; together with the cure of all diseases in the body of man. By Nicholas Culpeper, physitian and astrologer. Abdiah Cole, Doctor of Physick. And William Rowland, physitian. Being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor. Lazarus Riverius. Sometimes councellor and physitian to the King of France. To which are added four books containing five hundred and thirteen observations of famous cures. By the same author. And a fifth book of select medicinal counsels. By John Fernelius. With a table of the principal matters treated to therein. As also a physical dictionary, explaining the hard words...
Published 1672Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The practice of physick, in seventeen several books Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs; together with the cure of all diseases in the body. By Nicholas Culpeper, physitian and astrologer. Abdiah Cole, doctor of physick. And William Rowland, physitian. Being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius, sometimes councellor and physitian to the King of France. To which are added four books containing five hundred and thirteen observations of famous cures. By the same author. And a fifth book of select medicinal counsels. By John Fernelius. With a table of the principal matters treated therein. As also a physical dictionary, explaining the hard words...
Published 1678Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The practice of physick, in seventeen several books. Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs; together with the cure of all diseases in the body of man. By Nicholas Culpeper, physitian and astrologer. Abdiah Cole, Doctor of Physick. And William Rowland, physitian. Being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor. Lazarus Riverius. Sometimes councellor and physitian to the King of France. To which are added four books containing five hundred and thirteen observations of famous cures. By the same author. And a fifth book of select medicinal counsels. By John Fernelius. With a table of the principal matters treated to therein. As also a physical dictionary, explaining the hard words...
Published 1672Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The practice of physick, in seventeen several books Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs; together with the cure of all diseases in the body. By Nicholas Culpeper, physitian and astrologer. Abdiah Cole, doctor of physick. And William Rowland, physitian. Being chiefly a translation of the works of that learned and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius, sometimes councellor and physitian to the King of France. To which are added four books containing five hundred and thirteen observations of famous cures. By the same author. And a fifth book of select medicinal counsels. By John Fernelius. With a table of the principal matters treated therein. As also a physical dictionary, explaining the hard words...
Published 1678Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Some particulars concerning the law sent to Oliver Cromwell who is chiefe ruler in these nations, according to man: and to the counsellors who sit in counsel with him; wherein is plainly laid downe the difference betwixt the righteous law of God, and those lawes which are made and acted in the will of man; and how they who make and act those lawes, which are according to the will of man; and contrary to the law of God, are found opposing the righteous law of God, and so are transgressors of that law which is according to that in the conscience. With a ward of discovery of the cruell oppression of the priests, who call themselves ministers of Christ, and the Gospell, which gives freedome; but they are found to be opposers, and out of the life that gave forth the scriptures, and so with it judged, which is according to the law of God, which gives freedom to the righteous seed, but have cleared themselves from Christ, who disobey his doctrine, and sue men of the law, and take treble damages, contrary to the scriptures. With a word of exhortation t.
Published 1655Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Some particulars concerning the law sent to Oliver Cromwell who is chiefe ruler in these nations, according to man: and to the counsellors who sit in counsel with him; wherein is plainly laid downe the difference betwixt the righteous law of God, and those lawes which are made and acted in the will of man; and how they who make and act those lawes, which are according to the will of man; and contrary to the law of God, are found opposing the righteous law of God, and so are transgressors of that law which is according to that in the conscience. With a ward of discovery of the cruell oppression of the priests, who call themselves ministers of Christ, and the Gospell, which gives freedome; but they are found to be opposers, and out of the life that gave forth the scriptures, and so with it judged, which is according to the law of God, which gives freedom to the righteous seed, but have cleared themselves from Christ, who disobey his doctrine, and sue men of the law, and take treble damages, contrary to the scriptures. With a word of exhortation t.
Published 1655Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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