Search Results - Argument against Protestants.
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Huguenots 9
- Protestantism 6
- Regeneration (Theology) 6
- Dissenters, Religious 4
- Episcopacy 3
- Government 3
- History 3
- Presbyterianism 3
- Suffrage 3
- Women 3
- Anabaptists 2
- Arminianism 2
- Catholics 2
- Christian sects 2
- Customs and practices 2
- God 2
- Protestants 2
- Public worship 2
- Sermons, English 2
- Worship and love 2
- Amendments 1
- Capital punishment 1
- Constitution Amendments 1
- Criticism 1
- Doctines 1
- Doctrines 1
- Influence 1
- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) 1
- Inquisition 1
- Martyrs 1
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate VVherein it is manifestly proued by sundry arguments, reasons and authorities. That such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace. It is also proued, that this hath beene the receiued and resolued doctrine, of all the ancient fathers, of all the Protestant churches and writers beyond the seas, and of the Church of England. All the principall arguments that are, or may be obiected against it,...
Published 1626Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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An answer to a late book intituled, A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God, by William, Lord Bishop of Derry wherein the author's arguments against the manner of publick worship performed...
Published 1694Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
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A vindication of the real reformation-principles of the Church of Scotland concerning separation, &c In which the essay on separation is vindicated; and the arguments of the Reverend Mr. Wilson, for separation from this established church, in his defence, are considered, where sundry anti-reformation principles, historical errors, &c. in that defence, are noticed; and many things, neither truth, nor matter of fact in the testimony of the seceding brethren, are discovered and collected. To which, in an appendix, a further argument against separation, taken from the conduct...
Published 1740Online Access
Electronic eBook -
Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of episcopacy, the convenants against episcopacy and separation : wherein the unsoundnes, and (in manythinges) the inconsistency of the informers principles, arguments, and answers upon these points, the violence...
Published 1684Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book -
Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine presented by one assuming the name of ane [sic] informer in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of episcopacy, the convenants against episcopacy and separation : wherein the unsoundnes, and (in manythinges) the inconsistency of the informers principles, arguments, and answers upon these points, the violence...
Published 1684Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate VVherein it is manifestly proued: that such as are once truely regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a true and liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace. As also, that this hath been the receiued and resolued doctrine, of the ancient fathers; of the Protestant churches beyond the seas; of the Church of England, and of all orthodox and solid writers both forraine and domestique. All the principall arguments that are, or may bee objected against it,...
Published 1627Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate VVherein it is manifestly proued: that such as are once truely regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a true and liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace. As also, that this hath been the receiued and resolued doctrine, of the ancient fathers; of the Protestant churches beyond the seas; of the Church of England, and of all orthodox and solid writers both forraine and domestique. All the principall arguments that are, or may bee objected against it,...
Published 1627Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate wherein it is manifestly proued: that such as are once truely regenerated and ingraffed into Christ by a true and liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace, as also: that this hath beene the receiued and resolued doctrine, of the ancient fathers: of the Protestant churches beyond the seas; of the churches of England, and of all orthodox and solid writers both forraine and domestique. All the principall arguments that are, or may be obiected against it either...
Published 1627Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate wherein it is manifestly proued: that such as are once truely regenerated and ingraffed into Christ by a true and liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace, as also: that this hath beene the receiued and resolued doctrine, of the ancient fathers: of the Protestant churches beyond the seas; of the churches of England, and of all orthodox and solid writers both forraine and domestique. All the principall arguments that are, or may be obiected against it either...
Published 1627Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A companion to rhetoric and rhetorical criticism /
Published 2007“…Argumentation : what jokes can tell us about arguments …”
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Religion and the death penalty : a call for reckoning /
Published 2004“…death penalty : a Protestant perspective /…”
Book -
Johanssonian Investigations : Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday.
Published 2013“…An Argument Against Disjunctivism /…”
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Copernicus in the cultural debates of the Renaissance : reception, legacy, transformation /
Published 2014“…and Pierre de la Ramee against the astronomical axiom ; Facts and reasons …”
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