Search Results - Book of hours (Salisbury). English.
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Books of hours 134
- Primers (Prayer-books) 93
- Catholic Church 70
- Church of England 33
- Liturgy 10
- Latin 7
- English 3
- Hours, Book of 3
- Primers (Prayer books) 3
- Salisbury 3
- Commentaries 2
- Prayer-books and devotions 2
- Book of hours 1
- English & Latin 1
- Paleography, Latin 1
- Trials (Witchcraft) 1
- Witchcraft 1
This prayer [sic] of Salisbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the cross...
Published 1531“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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Electronic eBook -
This prayer [sic] of Salisbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the cross...
Published 1531“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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[The primer in English and Latin]
Published 1544Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
This is the prymer in Englysh set out a longe with dyuers additions.
Published 1543“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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Electronic eBook -
[The manuall of prayers or primer in englysh set forth by Ihon late bysshop of Rochester.]
Published 1540“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se bre...
Published 1539“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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[The manuall of prayers or primer in englysh set forth by Ihon late bysshop of Rochester.]
Published 1540“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
This is the prymer in Englysh set out a longe with dyuers additions.
Published 1543“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se bre...
Published 1539“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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The primer set furth by the clergie, to be taught, learned and all other set aparte corrected made in the third and iuj. [sic] Lorde the kynges reigne. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendu...
Published 1551“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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Electronic eBook -
The primer set furth by the clergie, to be taught, learned and all other set aparte corrected made in the third and iuj. [sic] Lorde the kynges reigne. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendu...
Published 1551“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
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Thys prymer of Salisburye vse is sett owght along. wythowght ony serchyng ..
Published 1533“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
Thys prymer of Sal[isbury vse] out a long without ony serchyng, with many prayers and goodly pyctures in the kalender ... the matyns off our lady, in the houres of the crosse, i[n]...
Published 1537“…Book of hours (Salisbury). English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook