Search Results - End and confession of John Felton.
The end and confession of Iohn Felton who suffred in Paules Churcheyeard in London, the. viii. of August, for high treason. 1570.
Published 1570“…End and confession of John Felton.…”
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The end and confession of Iohn Felton who suffred in Paules Churcheyeard in London, the. viii. of August, for high treason. 1570.
Published 1570“…End and confession of John Felton.…”
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The ende and confession of Iohn Felton, the rank traytour, that set vp the traiterous bull on the Byshop of London his gate. : Who suffred befor the same gate, for highe treason ag...
Published 1570“…Ende and confession of John Felton.…”
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Electronic eBook