Search Results - Illustrated classic of Mountains and Seas.
Shan hai jing tu jian = The illustrated classic of Mountains and Seas /
山海經圖鑑 = The illustrated classic of Mountains and Seas /Published 2017“…Illustrated classic of Mountains and Seas.…”
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A new and universal geographical grammar: or, a complete system of geography Containing the ancient and present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states, and republics, in the known world: their dimensions, history, climate, soil and produce, manufactures, trade, commerce, colonies, constitutions, revenues, forces by sea and land, rivers, harbours, lakes, cities, principal towns, universities, ruins, antiquities, curiosities, mountains, caverns, animals, vegetables, mines, minerals, &c. The genius, language, learning, manners, customs, and habits of the inhabitants. and a succinct and easy introduction to the scientific parts of geography: explaining the true system of the world; the doctrine of the sphere; the figure, magnitude, and motion of the earth; the use of the globes; and the nature, use, and construction of maps and charts. With a new and complete set of maps, and a variety of copper-plates, necessary to illustrate and embellish the work. In two volumes. ... By E. Jones, Teacher of the Classics and Geography, at Bromley, in Kent.
Published 1772Online Access
Electronic eBook -
On Saturday the 9th of May, was published, price sixpence. No. I. Of Walker's geography and gazetteer Elements of geography, and of natural and civil history; being principally the substance of a course of lectures. Containing, I. The order of the spheres. II. The economy of the sublunary works of creation, inanimate and living. III. Picturesque and general sketches of the different parts of the Earth; and the varied appearances and manners of its inhabitants, both man and brute. IV. The rise, revolution, and fall of the principal empires of the world. V. Changes through different ages in the manners of mankind. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Description of the different quarters of the world, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Their divisions into countries, provinces, &c. Their climates, soils, animals, plants, minerals, mountains, rivers, lakes, canals, commerce, manufacturers, curiosities, schools, learning, literati, religious professions, language, government, history, &c. The Universal gazetteer; being a concise description alphabetically arranged, of the nations, kingdoms, states, towns, empires, provinces, cities, oceans, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, canals, mountains...
Published 1795Online Access
Electronic eBook -
The genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus, the celebrated warlike, learned and authentic Jewish historian Containing I. The antiquities of the Jews in twenty books; with their wars, memorable transactions, authentic and remarkable occurrences, their various turns of glory and misery, of prosperity and adversity, &c. from the creation of the world. II. The wars of the Jews with the Romans, from their commencement to the final destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in the reign of Vespasian. In seven books. III. The book of Josephus against Apion, in defence of the Jewish antiquities. In two parts. IV. The martyrdoms of the Maccabees. V. The Embassy of Philo from the Jews of Alexandria to the Emperor Caius Caligula. VI. The life of Flavius Josephus, written by himself. VII. The testimonies of Josephus concerning our blessed Saviour, St. John the baptist, &c. clearly vindicated. The whole translated from the original in the Greek language, and diligently revised and compared with the writings of contemporary authors of different nations on the subject; all tending to prove the authenticity of the work. To which will be now first added, a continuation of the history of the Jews, from Josephus down to the present time, including a period of more than 1700 years. Containing an account of their dispersion into the various parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America, their different persecutions, transactions, various occurrences, and present state throughout the known world. Also various useful indexes, particularly of the countries, cities, towns, villages, seas, rivers, mountains, lakes, &c. Likewise tables...
Published 1790Online Access
Electronic eBook -
Tumulus as sema : space, politics, culture and religion in the First Millennium BC /
Published 2016“…Northern Black Sea --…”
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