Search Results - In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,
A litle treatise, conteyning many proper tables and rules very necessary for the use of all men. The contents whereof appere in the next page folowing. Collected by Rychard Grafton...
Published 1572“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio],…”
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Graftons abridgement of the chronicles of Englande, newely corrected and augmented, to thys present yere of our Lord. 1572. And in thende of thys abridgement is added a propre & ne...
Published 1572“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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A table to al the statutes made from the beginning of the raigne of Kyng Edwarde the. vi. vnto this present. xii. yeare of the reigne of oure moste gratious and soueraigne ladye Qu...
Published 1570“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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A table to al the statutes made from the beginning of the raigne of Kyng Edwarde the. vi. vnto this present. xii. yeare of the reigne of oure moste gratious and soueraigne ladye Qu...
Published 1570“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Les plees del coron diuisees in plusors titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redemen & plenairement trouera quelque chose quil quira, touchaunt les dits plees, composees par...
Published 1574“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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A litle treatise, conteyning many proper tables and rules very necessary for the use of all men. The contents whereof appere in the next page folowing. Collected by Rychard Grafton...
Published 1572“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio],…”
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Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement & plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees. Compo...
Published 1567“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement et plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les ditz plees. Comp...
Published 1560“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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A treatise excellent and compe[n]dious, shewing and declaring, in maner of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses vvith other nobles, through ye mutabil...
Published 1554“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this realme, newly set forth and augmented, both in Frenche and English, for the helpe of such yon...
Published 1592“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley puis le primer imprimier de ses Commentaries, & oare a le seconde imprimier de les dits Commen...
Published 1579“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio,…”
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Les commentaries, ou reports de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les argumentes sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le roy...
Published 1588“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes, per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley puis le primier imprimier de ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier de les dites Comm...
Published 1584“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio,…”
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En cest volume est conteinus le longe report de anno quinto Edwardi quarti
Published 1587“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley puis le primer imprimier de ses Commentaries, & oare a le seconde imprimier de les dits Commen...
Published 1579“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio,…”
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Les commentaries, ou reports de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les argumentes sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le roy...
Published 1588“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this realme, newly set forth and augmented, both in Frenche and English, for the helpe of such yon...
Published 1592“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes, per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley puis le primier imprimier de ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier de les dites Comm...
Published 1584“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio,…”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement et plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les ditz plees. Comp...
Published 1560“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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Les plees del coron diuisees in plusiours titles & common lieux. Per queux home plus redement & plenaireme[n]t trouera, quelq[ue] chose que il quira, touchant les dits plees. Compo...
Published 1567“…In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio,…”
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