Search Results - Irelands advocate.
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- Merchants 6
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- Representative government and representation 2
- Sermons, English 2
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- Blasphemy 1
- Book catalogs 1
- Catalan (Langue) 1
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- Crimes against humanity 1
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- Diplomatic relations 1
Irelands advocate: or, a sermon preached at a publike...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Irelands advocate: or, a sermon preached at a publike...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Protection of human rights advocates in Northern Ireland : hearing before the...
Published 2001Government Document Book -
Protection of human rights advocates in Northern Ireland hearing before the Commission...
Published 2001Full Text (via ProQuest)
Government Document Electronic eBook -
Irelands advocate: or, A sermon preached upon Novem....
Published 1641Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
Irelands advocate: or, A sermon preached upon Novem....
Published 1641Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Irelands advocate, or, A sermon preached vpon Novem....
Published 1641“…Irelands advocate.…”
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Irelands advocate, or, A sermon preached vpon Novem....
Published 1641“…Irelands advocate.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Bar admission stamp. A bill to amend "the Stamp Act, 1870," in regard to the stamp duty payable by advocates in Scotland on admission as barristers in England or Ireland, and by barristers in England or Ireland on...
Published 1874“…England or Ireland, and by Barristers in England or Ireland on …”
Online Access
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George by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith to our lovits,...
Published 1747Get full text
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George, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith. To our lovits macers, messengers at arms, our sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally specially constitute, greeting, forasmuch as it is humbly meaned and showen to us by our lovit Sir James Steuart advocate
Published 1715Full Text (via Gale)
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Registrars, &c. (Ireland). Returns from every registry in Ireland,...
Published 1860“…Surrogates, Proctors and Advocates.…”
Online Access
Electronic eBook -
Army: courts martial. (1.) Return of the number of general courts martial held at head quarters in London, in Scotland, and in Ireland, in each year from 1808 to 1820, both inclusive; and the number of such courts martial at which the Judge Advocate General in London, and the Deputy Judge Advocates...
Published 1821Online Access
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Friendly societies. A return of the names of all the barristers-at-law who have been appointed under the 10th Geo. 4, c. 56, in Ireland and Scotland, to certify the rules of friend...
Published 1844“…Attorney-General for Ireland and Lord Advocate for Scotland, to certify …”
Online Access
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Monumenta juridica the black book of the Admiralty, with an appendix /
Published 1871Full Text (via LLMC)
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Statements of the particulars of the charge of the several public departments in Great Britain and Ireland, as included in the army estimates for the year 1817. No. 1.--Commander in Chief's Office. 2.--Paymaster General's ditto 3.--War Office, including the branches for accounts. 4.--Adjutant General's Office at head quarters. 5.--Department of Deputy Adjutant General in North Britain. 6.--Quarter Master General's Office at head quarters, including the expense of books, plans, &c. for the depot of military knowledge. 7.--Department of Deputy Quarter Master General in north Britain. 8.--Office of the Commissary General of Masters. 9.--Ditto - of Judge Advocate General in London. 10.--Department of the Deputy Judge Advocate General in north Britain. 11.--Office of the Comptrollers of the Accompts of the Army. 12.--Ditto - of the Director General of the Army Medical Department. 13.--Ditto - of the Agent General for Volunteer Corps, &c. 14.--Particulars of the charge of the several public departments in Ireland
Published 1817Online Access
Electronic eBook