Search Results - John Van Voorst,
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Microscopes 19
- Microscopy 19
- Anatomy 11
- Mollusks 5
- Algae 4
- Mounting of microscope specimens 4
- Rotifera 4
- Paleobotany 3
- Polarization (Light) 3
- Prisms 3
- Protozoa 3
- Sponges 3
- Technique 3
- Zoology 3
- Animal remains (Archaeology) 2
- Bones 2
- Botany 2
- Bryozoa 2
- Capillaries 2
- Cilia and ciliary motion 2
- Cryptogams 2
- Embryology 2
- Fishes 2
- Foraminifera 2
- Guano 2
- Histology 2
- Infusoria 2
- Insects 2
- Jellyfishes 2
- Lizards 2
On the value of the microscope in the determination of minute structures of a doubtful nature as exemplified in the identification of human skin attached many centuries ago to the...
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
The "disk-cutter," a new instrument for cutting circular disks of thin glass for mounting microscopical objects also the description of a collecting stick for procuring infusoria,...
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
Observations on the nature of capillaries and on the mode of arrangement of those in the gills of fishes /
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
Observations on certain points in the anatomy of a species of Thaumantias
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On a peculiar form of elastic tissue found in the ligamentum nuchæ of the giraffe
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the sporangia of some of the filamentous fresh-water algæ (second paper) /
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the structure of the Siliceous loricæ of the genus Arachnoidiscus
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the architectural instincts of Melicerta ringens, an animal of the class Rotifera
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the occurrence of parasitic Rotifera in Volvox globator
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
A description of a new form of hair from a species of taranatula
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On a new medium for mounting of fresh moist animal and vegetable structures
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the sporangia of some of the filamentous fresh-water algæ
Published 1852“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the application of polarized light in microscopic investigations
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
Observations on Xanthidium, both fossil and recent
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On a new medium for mounting organic substances as permanent objects for microscopic inspection
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the structure and formation of the nails of the fingers and toes
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book -
On the occurrence of fossil Xanthia and Polythalamia in chalk
Published 1849“…John Van Voorst,…”
Microfilm Book