Search Results - Parliaments desire and resolution concerning the Prince.
The Parliaments desire and resolution cocerning [sic] the...
Published 1642“…Parliaments desire and resolution concerning the Prince.…”
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The Parliaments desire and resolution cocerning [sic] the...
Published 1642“…Parliaments desire and resolution concerning the Prince.…”
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The Parliaments desire and resolution cocerning [sic] the Prince presented to His Majesty at York by the Lord Howard of Char. Wherein is expressed their loyall and faithfull intent...
Published 1642“…Parliaments desire and resolution concerning the Prince.…”
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A remonstrance of His Highnesse the Prince of VVales, concerning his landing at Berwick...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A remonstrance of His Highnesse the Prince of VVales, concerning his landing at Berwick...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A remonstrance of His Highnesse the Prince of VVales concerning his landing at Berwick...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A remonstrance of His Highnesse the Prince of VVales concerning his landing at Berwick...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The declaration of His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, to Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Lieutenant Gen. of His Majesties forces in the north of England, under his Highnesse. Declaring his resolution to use all possible means to redeeme his father from imprisonment, and to bring him to his Royall Palace at Whitehall, with his desires to all Englishmen, of what rank or quality soever, to assist him herein, and his gracious promise to all those who have adhered to, or acted for the Parliament that shall come in to joyn with him, to grant them a free pardon, and to pay the souldiers their arreares. Commanded to be read and published in the northern army, and to all the rest of His Majesties subjects whatsoever. Likewise terrible newes from Colchester, declaring the resolution of Gen. Lucas, and his forces, concerning...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The declaration of His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, to Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Lieutenant Gen. of His Majesties forces in the north of England, under his Highnesse. Declaring his resolution to use all possible means to redeeme his father from imprisonment, and to bring him to his Royall Palace at Whitehall, with his desires to all Englishmen, of what rank or quality soever, to assist him herein, and his gracious promise to all those who have adhered to, or acted for the Parliament that shall come in to joyn with him, to grant them a free pardon, and to pay the souldiers their arreares. Commanded to be read and published in the northern army, and to all the rest of His Majesties subjects whatsoever. Likewise terrible newes from Colchester, declaring the resolution of Gen. Lucas, and his forces, concerning...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Charles P. A letter sent from His Highness the Prince of Wales, to His Majesties loyall and faithfull subjects within the realm of England; declaring, his great and earnest desires to the City of London, in the behalf of His Royall father the King. And a declaration of his proceedings at sea, against the Earl of VVarwick, and the resolution of his sea-men touching the Parliaments navy....
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Charles P. A letter sent from His Highness the Prince of Wales, to His Majesties loyall and faithfull subjects within the realm of England; declaring, his great and earnest desires to the City of London, in the behalf of His Royall father the King. And a declaration of his proceedings at sea, against the Earl of VVarwick, and the resolution of his sea-men touching the Parliaments navy....
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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