Search Results - Printed [by John Foster],
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 24
- Sermons, American 23
- King Philip's War, 1675-1676 16
- Indians of North America 13
- Sermons, English 12
- Congregational churches 11
- Wars 11
- Covenants (Church polity) 8
- Election sermons 6
- Law and legislation 6
- Astrology 5
- Church history 5
- Infant baptism 5
- Pequot War, 1636-1638 5
- Society of Friends 5
- Comets 4
- Death 4
- Fasts and feasts 4
- Histoire 4
- Journées thématiques 4
- Politics and government 4
- Regeneration (Theology) 4
- Special days 4
- Almanacs, American 3
- Almanacs, English 3
- Ephemerides 3
- Firearms 3
- Grace (Theology) 3
- Repentance 3
- Repentir 3
A Platform of church-discipline
Published 1680“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Serious advice to delivered ones from sickness or any other dangers threatning death, how they ought to carry it that their mercyes may be continued, and other misery prevented, or...
Published 1679“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
A fast of Gods chusing plainly opened for the help of those poor in spirit, whose hearts are set to seek the Lord their God in New-England, in the solemn ordinance of a fast : wher...
Published 1678“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
A call from Heaven to the present and succeeding generations, or, A discourse wherein is shewed I. That the children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragement...
Published 1679“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Abraham in arms, or, The first religious general with his army engaging in a war for which he had wisely prepared and by which not only an eminent victory was obtained, but a bless...
Published 1678“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Heavens alarm to the world, or, A sermon wherein is shewed that fearful sights and signs in heaven are the presages of great calamities at hand
Published 1681“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
At a council held at Boston in New-England, January 6, 1679
Published 1680“…[Printed by John Foster],…”
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Microfilm Book -
At a general court held at Boston, October 15, 1679
Published 1679“…[Printed by John Foster],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Severall lawes and ordinances of war past and made the 26th October, 1675 by the General Court of the Massachusets [sic] for the better regulating their forces and keeping their so...
Published 1675“…[Printed by John Foster],…”
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Microfilm Book -
The wicked mans portion, or, A sermon (preached at the lecture in Boston in New-England the 18th day of the 1 moneth, 1674, when two men were executed, who had murthered their mast...
Published 1675“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
The divine right of infant-baptisme asserted and proved from Scripture and antiquity
Published 1680“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Returning unto God the great concernment of a covenant people, or, A sermon preached to the second church in Boston in New-England, March 17, 1679/80 when that church did solemnly...
Published 1680“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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The murtherer justly condemned, or, An account of George Feast, a butcher of Shoreditch, being found guilty ... for the barbarous bloody murther of his wife ... also some account o...
Published 1697“…Printed for John Foster ...,…”
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Electronic eBook -
At a General Court held at Boston the 11th. of Octob. 1675 [i.e., 1676] Whereas it hath pleased our gracious God, contrary to the many evill-deservings of an unworthy and sinfull p...
Published 1676“…[Printed by John Foster],…”
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Microfilm Book -
The times of men are in the hand of God, or, A sermon occasioned by that awfull providence which happened in Boston in New England the 4th day of the 3d moneth [sic] 1675 when part...
Published 1675“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Sundry laws made by the General Court wherein the duty of tything men is expressed, viz
Published 1677“…[Printed by John Foster],…”
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Electronic eBook -
Several poems compiled with great variety of wit and learning, full of delight, wherein especially is contained a compleat discourse, and description of the four elements constitut...
Published 1678“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
The first pinciples [sic] of the doctrine of Christ together with stronger meat for them that are skil'd in the word of righteousness. Or the doctrine of living unto God, wherein t...
Published 1679“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
A narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England from the first planting thereof in the year 1607. to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late troubles in the two...
Published 1677“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book -
George Fox digg'd out of his burrovves, or An offer of disputation on fourteen proposalls made this last summer 1672 (so call'd) unto G. Fox then present on Rode-Island in New-Engl...
Published 1676“…Printed by John Foster,…”
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Microfilm Book