Search Results - Printed and sold by John Nutt ...,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 13
- English poetry 5
- Harbors 5
- Medicine in literature 5
- Medicine 4
- Politics and government 4
- Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 4
- Sailors 3
- Satire, English 3
- Causes 2
- Communication 2
- Defenses 2
- Discipline 2
- Education 2
- Election districts 2
- Elections 2
- Episcopal conferences (Catholic) 2
- Fasts and feasts 2
- Foreign relations 2
- Funeral sermons 2
- Harbor 2
- In literature 2
- Inspiration 2
- Kings and rulers 2
- Knowledge, Theory of 2
- Music 2
- Music, Influence of 2
- Poor 2
- Psychological aspects 2
- Recruiting, enlistment, etc 2
The dispensary a poem.
Published 1699“…Printed and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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The dispensary A poem. In six canto's.
Published 1703“…printed: and sold by John Nutt,…”
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The dispensary A poem. In six canto's.
Published 1706“…printed: and sold by John Nutt,…”
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The dream a poem occasion'd by the death of his late majesty, William III.
Published 1702“…printed and sold by John Nutt,…”
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The oration and poem, spoken at the entertainment of divine musick Perform'd at Stationers-Hall on Tuesday the 6th of Jan. 1702.
Published 1702“…printed; and sold by John Nutt,…”
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Europa libera or, a probable expedient (the like scarce ever to be hop'd for again) to restore and secure the publick peace of Europe, for this and future ages. Humbly submitted to...
Published 1703“…printed, and sold by John Nutt,…”
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An essay on the navy or England's advantage and safety, prov'd dependant on a formidable and well-disciplined navy; ... In two parts. ... By the author of the Seamen's case.
Published 1702“…printed for, and sold by John Nutt,…”
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Tentamen medicinale: or,an enquiry into the differences between the dispensarians and apothecarys. Wherein the latter are prov'd capable of a skilful composition of medicines, and...
Published 1704“…printed, and sold by John Nutt,…”
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The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England begun in the year 1641. With the precedent passages and actions that contributed thereunto. In five books. Written by ... Edw...
Published 1703“…printed: and sold by John Nutt,…”
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The dispensary a poem, in six cantos.
Published 1699“…Printed and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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Arguments, proving, that the poor of England cannot be imploy'd on the wooll manufacture, but to a national loss; and the ruine of the clothing trade. And the vulgar error of build...
Published 1701“…printed, and to be sold by John Nutt,…”
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The superiority and direct dominion of the imperial crown of England over the crown and Kingdom of Scotland, ... By William Atwood, Esq
Published 1705“…printed and are to be sold by John Nutt,…”
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The dispensary a poem, in six canto's.
Published 1699“…Printed and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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Sidrophel vapulans, or, The quack-astrologer toss'd in a blanket
Published 1699“…printed and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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Considerations and exhortations to the serious and religious observation of the Lent-fast, enjoined by authority humbly proposed in tendency to promote a reformation of manners in...
Published 1700“…Printed and are to be sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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An essay on the opera's after the Italian manner, which are about to be establish'd on the English stage: with some reflections on the damage which they may bring to the publick. B...
Published 1706“…printed for, and are to be sold by John Nutt,…”
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A Letter from a gentleman to an East-India merchant.
Published 1698“…Printed, and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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Tack about: or, A new model of a marine establishment for raising seamen for the continual service of Her Majesty's fleet : being a plain, easy, and practicable method to raise sea...
Published 1703“…Printed and sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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An essay upon the present interest of England : to which are added the proceedings of the House of Commons in 1677, upon the French King's progress in Flanders.
Published 1701“…Printed and are to be sold by John Nutt ...,…”
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The low-church-man, a true-church-man: or, a vindication of the principles and practice of many worthy members of the Church of England, who by their adversaries, in way of reproac...
Published 1706“…printed, and to be sold by John Nutt,…”
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