Search Results - Printed by Adam Islip.,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Law reports, digests, etc 77
- Law 44
- History 21
- Political science 17
- Justices of the peace 16
- English 15
- Conveyancing 13
- Ability 11
- English language 11
- Latin language 11
- Sermons, English 11
- Common law 10
- Law merchant 10
- Peace officers 10
- Pre-Linnean works 10
- Testing 10
- Vocational interests 10
- Latin 9
- Civil law 8
- Courts baron and courts leet 8
- Criminal law 8
- Geography 8
- Law and ethics 8
- Turkey 8
- Writs 8
- Gardening 7
- Providence and government of God 7
- Canon law 6
- Dictionaries 6
- Forms (Law) 6
The fountaine of ancient fiction Wherein is liuely depictured the images and statues of the gods of the ancients, with their proper and perticular expositions. Done out of Italian...
Published 1599“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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A dictionarie of the French and English [t]ongues. /
Published 1611“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The triall of bastardie that part of the second part of policie, or maner of gouernement of the realme of England: so termed, spirituall, or ecclesiasticall. Annexed at the end of...
Published 1594“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The orchard and the garden: containing certain necessarie, secret, and ordinarie knowledges in grafting and gardening. Wherein are described sundrie waies to graffe, and diuerse p...
Published 1596“…Printed by Adam Islip.,…”
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The historie of the vvorld: commonly called, The naturall historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland Doctor of Physicke. The first [-second] tome
Published 1634“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The generall historie of the Turkes from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie: with all the notable expeditions of the Christian princes against...
Published 1631“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Te...
Published 1636“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The Romane historie vvritten by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Breviaries of L. Florus: with a chronologie to the whole historie: and the Topographie of Rome in old time. Translated...
Published 1600“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Consuetudo, vel lex mercatoria, or The ancient law-merchant Diuided into three parts: according to the essentiall parts of trafficke. Necessarie for all statesmen, iudges, magistra...
Published 1622“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The mysterie of iniquitie: that is to say, The historie of the papacie Declaring by what degrees it is now mounted to this height, and what oppositions the better sort from time to...
Published 1612“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The orchard, and the garden containing certaine necessarie, secret, and ordinarie knowledges in grafting and gardening. Wherein are described sundry waies to graffe, and diuers pro...
Published 1602“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Te...
Published 1623“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Te...
Published 1619“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Te...
Published 1636“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Aristotles politiques, or Discourses of gouernment. Translated out of Greeke into French, with expositions taken out of the best authours, specially out of Aristotle himselfe, and...
Published 1598“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The orator handling a hundred seuerall discourses, in forme of declamations: some of the arguments being drawne from Titus Liuius and other ancient vvriters, the rest of the author...
Published 1596“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The vvalking librarie, or, Meditations and obseruations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarius, counsellour to the free-state of Nor...
Published 1621“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The liuing librarie, or Meditations and obseruations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarius. And done into English by Iohn Molle Esq...
Published 1625“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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The vvorkes of our ancient and learned English poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. To that which was done in the former impression, thus much is now added. 1 In the life of Chauc...
Published 1602“…Printed by Adam Islip,…”
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Electronic eBook