Search Results - Printed by Cantrell Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. ,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Sermons, English 13
- Conscience 8
- Sin 8
- Church and state 7
- Prerogative, Royal 7
- Child rearing 2
- Clergy 2
- Consolation 2
- Courage 2
- Divine right of kings 2
- Dueling 2
- Good and evil 2
- Justification 2
- Office 2
- Parent and child 2
- Predestination 2
- Providence and government of God 2
- Transubstantiation 2
- Belief and doubt 1
- Christian life 1
- Commentaries 1
- Faith 1
- Pastoral letters and charges 1
- Visitations, Ecclesiastical 1
Gods arraignement of hypocrites with an inlargement concerning Gods decree in ordering sinne. As likewise a defence of Mr. Calvine against Bellarmine; and of Mr. Perkins against Ar...
Published 1615“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Nine sermons preached by that eloquent diuine of famous memorie, Th. Playfere Doctor in Diuinitie
Published 1621“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Nine sermons preached by that eloquent diuine of famous memorie, Th. Playfere Doctor in Diuinitie
Published 1621“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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The burthen of a loaden conscience: or The miserie of sinne: set forth by the confession of a miserable sinner
Published 1618“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Hallelu-iah: praise yee the Lord, for the vnburthening of a loaden conscience By his grace is Iesus Christ vouchsafed vnto the worst sinner of all the whole world.
Published 1618“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A remonstrance of the most gratious King Iames I. King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. For the right of kings, and the independance of their crow...
Published 1616“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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The young divines apologie for his continuance in the Vniuersitie with certaine meditations, ritten by Nathaniel Povvnoll, late student of Christ-Church in Oxford.
Published 1612“…Printed by Cantrell Legge printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A remonstrance of the most gratious King Iames I. King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. For the right of kings, and the independencie of their cro...
Published 1619“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A treatise ful of consolation for all that are afflicted in minde, or bodie, or otherwise Which armeth vs against impatiencie vnder any crosse. By Nicolas Bovvnde Doctor of Divinit...
Published 1608“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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The vnbeleefe of S. Thomas the Apostle laid open for the comfort of all that desire to beleeue : with a comfortable treatise for all that are afflicted in soule, or bodie, or other...
Published 1608“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Dauids penitentiall psalme opened in thirtie seuerall lectures thereon. By Sam. Hieron.
Published 1617“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A remonstrance of the most gratious King Iames I. King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. For the right of kings, and the independance of their crow...
Published 1616“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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The ghosts of the deceased sieurs, de Villemor, and de Fontaines A most necessarie discourse of duells: wherein is shewed the meanes to roote them out quite. With the discourse of...
Published 1624“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A remonstrance of the most gratious King Iames I. King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. For the right of kings, and the independencie of their cro...
Published 1619“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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The office of Christian parents shewing how children are to be gouerned throughout all ages and times of their life. With a breife admonitorie addition vnto children, to answer in...
Published 1616“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe th...
Published 1610“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A full and profitable interpretation of all the proper names that are within the illustrious and resplendant genealogie of Iesus Christ set forth in the first chapter of S. Matthew...
Published 1619“…Printed by Cantrell Legge printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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An harmonie vpon the second booke of Samuel wherein according to the methode and order obserued vpon the first booke, these speciall things are obserued vpon euerie chapter. The di...
Published 1614“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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A commentarie vpon the Epistle of Saint Paul written to Titus. Preached in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further vse of the Church of God. Reuiewed by the a...
Published 1619“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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Salomons sweete harpe consisting of fiue words, like so many golden strings, toucht with the cunning hand of his true skill, commanding all other humane speech: wherein both clearg...
Published 1608“…Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie …”
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