Search Results - Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers to the Parliament of England,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Politics and government 24
- History 20
- Law and legislation 15
- Book burning 4
- Confiscations and contributions 4
- Excise tax 4
- Finance 4
- Legal status, laws, etc 4
- Militia 4
- Taxation 4
- Adultery 2
- Ale 2
- Appropriation and expenditures 2
- Assassination 2
- Attachment and garnishment 2
- Beer 2
- Censorship 2
- Clergy 2
- Election law 2
- Estates (Law) 2
- Exile (Punishment) 2
- Fasts and feasts 2
- History, Military 2
- Hostages 2
- Impressment 2
- Incest 2
- Law enforcement 2
- Loyalty oaths 2
- Maritime law 2
- Marriage law 2
Resolves of Parliament, touching the Lord Generals taking and subscribing the engagement.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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An act impowering several commissioners to put in execution all and every the powers and authorites heretofore given to the commissioners for compounding with delinquents and for m...
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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Die Veneris, 6 Decembr. 1650. Resolved by the Parliament, that no captain shall absent himself from his charge, without leave from his field-officer ..
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Die Mercurii, 7 Maii, 1650. Resolved by the Parliament, that all such delinquents who having compounded for their delinquency, and for non-payment of their second moyety, have incu...
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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An act for continuing two former acts touching elections in the city of London.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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Die Veneris, 6 Decembr. 1650. Resolved by the Parliament, that no Captain shall absent himself from his charge, without leave from his field-officer; ....
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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An act for the better preventing and suppressing of prophane swearing & cursing. Die Veneris, 28 Junii, 1650. Ordered by the Parliament, that this act be forthwith printed and publ...
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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An act for securing such moneys as shall be advanced and lent for the use of the Navy & Army, together with interest for the same, to be paid out of the two hundred thousand pounds...
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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An act appointing Thursday the thirteenth of June, 1650. to be kept as a day of solemn fasting and humiliation and declaring the reasons and grounds thereof.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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An act for the better packing of butter, and redress of abuses therein.
Published 1649“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Die Veneris, 8 Martii, 1649 Mr. Millington reports from the Committtee [sic] of plundred ministers, the matter of fact touching the book entituled, The doctrine of the Fourth Comma...
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Die Martis, 23 Julii, 1650. Resolves of Parliament, concerning such delinquents as have not paid in their fines according to compositions.
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Die Jovis, 18 Julii, 1650. Resolves of Parliament, for the suspending and making void of all licenses granted or to be granted to any persons comprised within the late Act for remo...
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Resolves of Parliament, touching the Lord Generals taking and subscribing the engagement.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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Die Veneris, 8 Martii, 1649. Mr. Millington reports from the Committee of plundred ministers, the matter of fact touching the book entituled, The doctrine of the Fourth Commandment...
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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An act for the better payment of augmentations out of the impropriate rectories, vicarages and tythes sequestred from papists or delinquents.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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Die Mercurii, 7 Maii, 1650. Resolved by the Parliament, that all such delinquents who having compounded for their delinquency, and for non-payment of their second moyety, have incu...
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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Die Martis, 23 Julii, 1650. Resolves of Parliament, concerning such delinquents as have not paid in their fines according to compositions.
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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Die Jovis, 18 Julii, 1650. Resolves of Parliament, for the suspending and making void of all licenses granted or to be granted to any persons comprised within the late Act for remo...
Published 1650“…printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, printers …”
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An act for the better payment of augmentations out of the impropriate rectories, vicarages and tythes sequestred from papists or delinquents.
Published 1650“…Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers …”
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