Search Results - Printed by His Majestie's printers,
Edinburgh, the 16 day of June, one thousand six hundred seventy and four years. Act assuring a reward to any who shall apprehend some rebels and others.
Published 1674“…Printed by his Majestie's printers,…”
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At Edinburgh, the third day of September, one thousand six hundred seventy and four years. The lords of His Majesties Privy council taking to their consideration, that the work whi...
Published 1674“…Printed by his Majestie's printers,…”
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Laws and acts past in the fourth and last session of the second Parliament, of our Most High and Dread Soveraign Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England,...
Published 1674“…printed by His Majestie's printers,…”
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Morning and evening prayers, to be used in families daily, and upon several occasions. Together with forms of blessing and thanksgiving before and after meat.
Published 1674“…Printed by His Majestie's printers,…”
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Laws and acts past in the fourth and last session of the second Parliament, of our Most High and Dread Soveraign Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England,...
Published 1674“…printed by His Majestie's printers,…”
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Orders, set down by the Lord Provost, bailiffs, and Council of Edinburgh, to be observed by the constables thereof, in discharge of their offices within this burgh, and liberties o...
Published 1676“…Printed by George Swintoun, one of His Majestie's …”
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The laws and customes of Scotland, in matters criminal Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations do agree with, and supply ours. By Sir Geo...
Published 1678“…printed by Thomas Brown, one of His Majestie's printers,…”
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The laws and customes of Scotland, in matters criminal Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations do agree with, and supply ours. By Sir Geo...
Published 1678“…printed by Thomas Brown, one of His Majestie's printers,…”
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His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament Thursday, October 21. 1680.
Published 1680“…Re-printed by John Swintoun, one of His Majestie's printers,…”
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The mischief of separation. A sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11, MDCLXXX. being the first Sunday in Easter-term, before the Lord Mayor &c. /
Published 1680“…Printed for Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers …”
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The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrevv
Published 1680“…printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers …”
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The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrevv
Published 1680“…printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers …”
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His Majesties gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, at their prorogation, on Munday the 26th of January 1679/80.
Published 1680“…Re-printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers …”
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On the death of the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Ossory.
Published 1680“…printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie; and …”
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