Search Results - Printed by John Austin Crane,
An account of the life of the Rev. David Brainerd minister of the gospel, missionary to the Indians from the Honorable Society in Scotland for the Propagation of Christian Knowledg...
Published 1811“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Worlds displayed, for the benefit of young people, by a familiar history of some of their inhabitants
Published 1809“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Select remains of the Rev. John Mason ... recommended by the late Rev. Dr. Watts.
Published 1809“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
A Small collection of hymns which are frequently sung in times of revivals of religion.
Published 1807“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
A sketch of the denominations of the Christian world accompanied with a persuasive to religious moderation : to which is prefixed an account of atheism, deism, Theophilanthropism,...
Published 1813“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
The Christian remembrancer, or, Short reflections upon the faith, life, and conduct of a real Christian
Published 1808“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Sacramental meditations and advices grounded upon Scripture texts, proper for communicants, to prepare their hearts, excite their actions, quicken their graces, and enliven their d...
Published 1812“…Printed by John Austin Crane,…”
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Microfilm Book