Search Results - Printed by John Draper,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 105
- Dissertations 57
- History, Military 50
- Taxation 50
- Journées thématiques 45
- Recruiting and enlistment 45
- Special days 45
- Histoire 32
- Indians of North America 28
- Gratitude 26
- Law and legislation 26
- Embargo 19
- Fasts and feasts 19
- Bounties 18
- Repentance 17
- Appropriations and expenditures 16
- Crown Point Expedition, N.Y., 1755 16
- Repentir 16
- Militia 14
- Politics and government 14
- Tariff 14
- Tonnage fees 13
- Recrutement des armées 12
- Crime 11
- Wars 11
- Histoire militaire 10
- Penobscot Indians 10
- Proclamations 9
- Peuples autochtones 8
- Law 7
Quæstiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub Reverendo D. Benjamine Wadsworth, Collegij-Harvardini ... MDCCXXXIV.
Published 1734“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Questiones pro modulo discutiendæ, sub Reverendo D. Edvardo Holyoke, Collegij-Harvardini ... In comitiis publicis à laureæ magistralis candidatis, decimo sexto calendarum sextilis,...
Published 1754“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Quæstiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub Reverendo D. Edvardo Holyoke, Collegij-Harvardini ... In comitiis publicis à laureæ magistralis candidatis: calendis quintilibus, MDCCXLVII....
Published 1747“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. Harrison Gray, Esq; treasurer and receiver-general of His Majesty's said province to the select-men or assessors of the town or district of [...
Published 1754“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. William Foye, Esq; treasurer and receiver general for His Majesties said province to [blank] constable or collector of the town of [blank] Gr...
Published 1736“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. William Foye, Esq; treasurer & receiver-general of His Majesty's said province To the select-men or assessors of the town or district of [bla...
Published 1748“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. Harrison Gray, Esq; treasurer and receiver-general of His Majesty's said province To the select-men or assessors of the town or district of [...
Published 1755“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. Harrison Gray, Esq; treasurer and receiver-general of His Majesty's said province to the select-men or assessors of the town or district of [...
Published 1756“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Questiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub Reverendo D. Edvardo Holyoke, Collegij-Harvardini ... In comitiis publicis á laureæ magistralis candidatis: quarto nonarum quintilis, MDCCL....
Published 1750“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. William Foye, Esq; treasurer and receiver-general of His Majesty's said province To the select-men or assessors of the town or district of [b...
Published 1745“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twent...
Published 1734“…[Printed by John Draper?],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Extract from an act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the...
Published 1737“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio-Harvardino, quod est Cantabrigiæ, Nov-Anglorum, ab anno 1642, ad annum 1751 Alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt.
Published 1751“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Illustrissimo ac sublimi virtute, optimaque eruditione, ornatissimo viro Gulielmo Shirley ... Theses hasce ... Collegio Harvardino ... Habita in comitiis academicis Cantabrigiæ Nov...
Published 1742“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
God, the pious soldier's strength & instructor a sermon deliver'd at Brooklyn in Pomfret, to the military company, under the command of Capt. Israel Putnam, on the thirteenth day o...
Published 1757“…Printed by John Draper,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Boston, May 13, 1756. To be seen (for a short time) at the house of Mr. William Fletcher merchant, New-Boston; that elaborate and matchless pile of art, called, the Microcosm, or,...
Published 1756“…[Printed by John Draper?],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twent...
Published 1735“…[Printed by John Draper?],…”
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Microfilm Book -
Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. Harrison Gray, Esq; treasurer & receiver-general for His Majesty's said province to [blank] constable or collector of the town of [blank] Gre...
Published 1758“…[Printed by John Draper],…”
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Microfilm Book -
A breach in Jerusalem's walls, deplored a sermon preach'd at Oxford, May 31st. 1761. On the death of the Rev. Mr. John Campbell: late Pastor of the Church of Christ there. Who depa...
Published 1761“…Printed by John Draper,…”
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The nature & necessity, of an habitual preparation for death & judgment A sermon preach'd at King's-Chapel in Boston, November 21st. 1758. Upon occasion of the death of Charles Apt...
Published 1758“…Printed by John Draper,…”
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Electronic eBook