Search Results - Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty,
Certain prayers fitted to severall occasions. To be used in his Majesties armies, and garrisons. Published by His Highnesse command.
Published 1645“…Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace, begun at Uxbridge January, 30. 1644
Published 1645“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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The petition of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford, presented to His Majesty the day before the recesse and His Majesties gracious answer to the same : with Hi...
Published 1644“…Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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The agreements made between His Maiesty and the gentlemen and other the free-holders of Berkley division in the county of Glocester, for the better provision and ordering of His Ma...
Published 1643“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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A true and particular relation of the proceedings of the county of Sommerset, for the setling the peace of the kingdom
Published 1644“…Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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Military orders and articles established by His Majesty for the better ordering and government of His Majesties Army. Also two proclamations one against plundring and robbing the o...
Published 1643“…Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill, printers to …”
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The declaration of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford according to His Majesties proclamation concerning their endeavours since they came thither for the peace...
Published 1644“…Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill printers to …”
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A declaration of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford. Of their proceedings touching a treaty for peace and the refusall thereof; with the severall letters and a...
Published 1644“…Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill printers to …”
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The schedvle In this schedvle is contained the excise, set and to be set upon severall commodities, as well forreign as native, as hereafter followeth.
Published 1644“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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Certain prayers fitted to severall occasions. To be used in his Majesties armies, and garrisons. Published by His Highnesse command.
Published 1645“…Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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The form and manner of making & consecrating bishops, priests, and deacons: according to the appointment of the Church of England.
Published 1660“…Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill, printers to …”
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His Maiesties most earnest and sincere desire for peace. Expressed in two most gracious messages to the Lords and Commons of Parliament. : The first from Evesham, July 4, 1644. And...
Published 1644“…Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, Printers …”
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The schedvle In this schedvle is contained the excise, set and to be set upon severall commodities, as well forreign as native, as hereafter followeth.
Published 1644“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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The agreements made between His Maiesty and the gentlemen and other the free-holders of Berkley division in the county of Glocester, for the better provision and ordering of His Ma...
Published 1643“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace, begun at Uxbridge January, 30. 1644
Published 1645“…printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers …”
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The form and manner of making & consecrating bishops, priests, and deacons: according to the appointment of the Church of England.
Published 1660“…Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill, printers to …”
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