Search Results - Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-Bayley,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 117
- Politics and government 25
- Militia 15
- Law and legislation 13
- Christian life 10
- Church history 10
- Finance 10
- Soldiers 10
- Appropriations and expenditures 8
- Clergy 8
- Attachment and garnishment 7
- Billeting 6
- Broadsides 6
- Catholics 6
- Excise tax 6
- Foreign relations 6
- Tithes 6
- Government 5
- Church and state 4
- Confiscations and contributions 4
- Hours of labor 4
- Preaching 4
- Presbyterianism 4
- Public worship 4
- Recreation 4
- Treaties 4
- History, Military 3
- Import quotas 3
- Pay, allowances, etc 3
- Plague 3
Two ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: the one, giving power to the committee of Goldsmiths Hall to tender the solemne League and Covenant to all persons...
Published 1645“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings head in the old …”
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Articles of agreement concluded and agreed on by His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, generall of the forces raised by the Parliament on the one part: and Colonell Thomas Blagge Govern...
Published 1646“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old …”
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Instructions agreed upon by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, to be observed in taking, examining, and determining the accompts of all officers and souldiers, who have...
Published 1647“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the …”
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Die Sabbathi 26. April. 1645 It is this day ordained and declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that no person be permitted to preach who is not ordained a mini...
Published 1645“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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A vindication of the army under the command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax concerning a pamphlet lately printed and published, intituled, Heads presented by the army to the K...
Published 1647“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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The way to get rain by way of question and answer. Shewing the true cause both of too much want, and too much abundance of raine. With the onely remedy and means to remove either o...
Published 1649“…Printed by John Wright at the Kings Head in the old …”
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A declaration of the officers and souldiers under the command of Colonell Twisleton, governor of the castle of Denbigh in Wales.
Published 1648“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings-Head in the …”
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For the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England.
Published 1648“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the …”
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Die Sabbathi, 16 Decemb. 1648. an ordinance for repealing the former ordinance for the County of Lancaster
Published 1648“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings-Head in the …”
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Die Veneris 20 Aug. 1647 Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that Tuesday next come seven-night be observed as a day of publike thansgiving unto Almighty God...
Published 1647“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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All the severall ordinances & orders of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, giving power to the committee at Haberdashers Hall for the assessing of all such within the c...
Published 1645“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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Die Veneris 16 Iulii 1647 Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that the Lord Mayor of of the City of London and Justices of the Peace ... shall take special ca...
Published 1647“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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The pennilesse parliament of threed-bare poets or, The merry fortune-teller, wherein all persons of the four severall complexions may finde their fortunes. Composed by Doctor Merry...
Published 1649“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the …”
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A declaration in answer to some papers of the Scots Commissioners of the 20th. and their letter of the 24th. of October, 1646. Concerning the disposall of the Kings person; printed...
Published 1648“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings head in the old …”
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Die Veneris 11 Junii 1647. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that the excise of flesh bee taken off from and after the foure and twentieth day of this insta...
Published 1647“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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An Apologie for Mr. Iohn Goodwin: who having subscribed proposalls to be presented to the magistrate concerning matters of religion; after that, makes 30 Queries, whether it be the...
Published 1653“…Printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the …”
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All the ordinances of the Lors [sic] and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the true payment of tythes, and other such duties according to the lawes and customes of this realme O...
Published 1652“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-…”
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Die Mercurii 11 Aug. 1647. The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, doe approve of the late action of the officers, souldiers, and inhabitants of the borough of Southwarke, ....
Published 1647“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old …”
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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For constituting and setling of the Committee of the Militia of the City of London. With the names of them therein ex...
Published 1647“…printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old …”
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A treatise tending to shew that the just and holy God, may have a hand in the unjust actions of sinfull men: and that in such a way as shall be without any impeachment of his justn...
Published 1653“…Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-…”
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