Search Results - Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 27
- Sermons, English 21
- Songs, English 8
- English poetry 7
- Politics and government 7
- Dissenters, Religious 6
- Spies 6
- Church and state 4
- Conduct of life 4
- Criticism, interpretation, etc 4
- Kings and rulers 4
- Presbyterianism 4
- Ballads, English 3
- Commerce 3
- Love-letters 3
- Monmouth's Rebellion, 1685 3
- Political ballads and songs 3
- Shipping 3
- Allegiance 2
- Baths, Turkish 2
- Biblical teaching 2
- Christian ethics 2
- Christian life 2
- Church history 2
- Classical poetry 2
- Conversation 2
- Divine right of kings 2
- Duties 2
- Education of princes 2
- English drama 2
A vindication of King Charles the martyr proving that His Majesty was the author of Eikōn basilikē, against a memorandum said to be written by the Earl of Anglesey, and against the...
Published 1693“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh,…”
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The Second volume of the New-Years-gift now compleated : containing 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 parts : composed of prayers, meditations, and contemplations of the life of Christ, &c. : wi...
Published 1693“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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A compleat collection of Mr. D'Urfey's songs and odes whereof the first part never before published.
Published 1687“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh,…”
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The antiquity of the royal line of Scotland farther cleared and defended, against the exceptions lately offer'd by Dr. Stillingfleet, in his vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph
Published 1686“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The life and death of King Charles the first
Published 1693“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The grand juries address and presentments to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Bristol &c to the right worshipful Sir Richard Hart, Knight, mayor of the said city and the right...
Published 1681“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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A letter from Mr. Samuel White, to his brother in London, dated in Siam, Sept. 20, 1686 giving a full account of the late rebellion made by the people of Macasser, inhabiting in th...
Published 1687“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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An impartial account of the arraignment trial & condemnation of Thomas late Earl of Strafford, and Lord Lievtanant of Ireland before the Parliament at Wesminster, Anno Dom, 1641.
Published 1679“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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Microfilm Book -
Dame Dobson, or, The cunning woman a comedy as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre /
Published 1684“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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Arbitrary government display'd in the tyrannick usurpation of the Rump Parliament and Oliver Cromwell being a clear account of their arbitrary, cruel and illegal proceedings, under...
Published 1683“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The epilogue
Published 1682“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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Vivat Rex a sermon preached before the Right Worshipful the Mayor, aldermen, council and citizens of Bristol : upon the discovery of the late treasonable phanatick plot : at St. Ja...
Published 1683“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The perjur'd phanatick, or, The malicious conspiracy of Sr. John Croke of Chilton, Henry Larimore and other phanaticks against the life of Robert Hawkins, clerk, and late minister...
Published 1685“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The spirit of calumny and slander, examin'd, chastis'd, and expos'd, in a letter to a malicious libeller more particularly address'd to Mr. George Ridpath, newsmonger, near St. Mar...
Published 1693“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The true mark of the beast, or, The present degeneracy of the Church of Rome from the faith once delivered to the saints a sermon on November 5 /
Published 1685“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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The Whigg-feast a Scotch ballad, made to the tune of a new and pleasant Scotch dance.
Published 1682“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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A sermon preach'd in the cathedral of Lincoln, August 1, 1680 (being the assize Sunday)
Published 1680“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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Dame Dobson, or, The cunning woman a comedy as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre /
Published 1684“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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A Letter to Ferguson or any other the suppos'd author of a late scandalous libel entituled An elogie upon Sir Tho. Armstrong : from one that heartily wishes them what they deserve.
Published 1684“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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Remarks on trade in a dialogue between a committee-man and an interloper.
Published 1683“…Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh ...,…”
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