Search Results - Printed for R.B. ...,
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- History 50
- Sermons, English 38
- Christian life 18
- Religious aspects 10
- Law 9
- Lord's Supper 9
- Conduct of life 8
- Ballads, English 6
- Christian saints 6
- Politics and government 6
- Devotional literature 5
- Episcopacy 5
- Brownists 4
- Church history 4
- Cookery 4
- Funeral sermons 4
- Grace (Theology) 4
- Humility 4
- Law and legislation 4
- Medicine, Popular 4
- Meditations 4
- Religion 4
- Sabbath 4
- Sanctification 4
- Sunday 4
- Taxation 4
- Voyages and travels 4
- Astrology 3
- Bread 3
- Catechisms, English 3
Master St. John his speech in Parliament on Munday the 17th of January concerning the charge of treason then exhibited to the bishops, formerly accused by the House of Commons, Ann...
Published 1641“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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His Majesties finall answer concerning episcopacie delivered in to the commissioners of Parliament the first of Novemb. 1648.
Published 1648“…Printed for R.B. ...,…”
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A Pleasant battle between two lap dogs of the Utopian court, or, A Dialogue between asleep and awake, jest and earnest, reality and fancy being fought upon the new erected dog-pit...
Published 1681“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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The Controversie between Robin and Dolls house-keeping
Published 1690“…Printed for R.B. ...,…”
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The Scots treacherous designes discovered, or, A result to the pamphlet, intituled, The Scots remonstrance with a true relation of their proceedings at Newcastle, Hereford, Newark,...
Published 1647“…Printed for R.B. ...,…”
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On the answer to Dr. Wilds poem; upon Mr. Calamy's imprisonment.
Published 1663“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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Tvvo sermons the first, preached at Canterbury, at the visitation of the Lord Archbishops peculiars, in Saint Margarets Church, April 14, 1635 : the second, preached at Saint Paul'...
Published 1635“…Printed by R.B.,…”
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On the answer to Dr. Wilds poem upon Mr. Calamy's imprisonment.
Published 1663“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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A sermon preached at Saint Paul's Crosse, the eighteenth of Aprill, 1630. /
Published 1635“…Printed by R.B.,…”
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On the answer to Dr. Wilds poem upon Mr. Calamy's imprisonment.
Published 1663“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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LIX. exceptions against the Booke of common prayer.
Published 1644“…printed for R.B.,…”
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Justa sive inferiæ regicidarum or, Tybvrns revels. Presented before Protector Cromwel, Lord President Bradshaw, Lord Deputy Ireton. By Squire Dun, Mercury, and chorus.
Published 1661“…Printed for R.B.,…”
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His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects in answer to the petition and advice of both houses of Parliament
Published 1643“…Printed for R.B. ...,…”
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Letters writen [sic] by Mrs. Manley to which is added a letter from a supposed nun in Portugal to a gentleman in France, in imitation of the nun's five letters in print, by Colonel...
Published 1696“…Printed for R.B. ...,…”
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A Pleasant new ditty, called the new So ho to a pleasant new tune.
Published 1615“…printed by R.B.,…”
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