Search Results - Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling at the signe of the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard.,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 15
- Fast-day sermons 6
- Sermons, English 6
- Church history 4
- Detention of persons 4
- Imprisonment 4
- Politics and government 4
- Anti-Catholicism 2
- Antinomianism 2
- Battle casualties 2
- Christian sects 2
- Christian union 2
- Church and state 2
- Emotions 2
- Excommunication 2
- Government 2
- Peace 2
- Presbyterianism 2
- Psychology 2
- Public worship 2
- Reformation 2
- Self-denial 2
- Siege, 1644 2
- Imprints (Publishers' and printers' statements) 1
- Printers' marks 1
- Religious aspects 1
Shadowes without substance, or, Pretended new lights: together, with the impieties and blasphemies that lurk under them, further discovered and drawn forth into the light: in way o...
Published 1646“…Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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Die Veneris 2 Feb. 1643: It is this day ordered that publike thankes be given unto God in all the churches of London, Westminster, suburbs, and within the bills of mortality, upon...
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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The English pope, or, A discourse wherein the late mysticall intelligence betwixt the court of England, and the court of Rome is in part discovered. And withall, an account given o...
Published 1643“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the Signe …”
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Reformation of church-government in Scotland, cleered from some mistakes and prejudices, by the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London.
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church …”
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Some papers of the Commissioners of Scotland given in lately to the Houses of Parliament, concerning the propositions of peace.
Published 1646“…printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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The Kings cabinet opened: or, Certain packets of secret letters & papers, written with the Kings own hand, and taken in his cabinet at Nasby-Field, June 14. 1645. By victorious Sr....
Published 1645“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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Self-deniall: opened and applied in a sermon before the reverend Assembly of Divines: on a day of their private humiliation. /
Published 1645“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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A vindication of the magistrates and ministers of the city of Gloucester, from the calumnies of Mr. Robert Bacon, in his printed relation of his usage there, which he intitles, The...
Published 1646“…Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling at the signe of …”
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Severall poysonous and sedicious papers of Mr. David Jenkins ansvvered. By H.P. barrester of Lincolnes Inne.
Published 1647“…Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church …”
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The cordiall of Mr. David Ienkins: or His reply to H.P. barrester of Lincolnes-Inne, answered.
Published 1647“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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Magnalia dei. A relation of some of the many remarkable passages in Cheshire before the siege of Namptvvich, during the continuance of it: and at the happy raising of it by the vic...
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling at the signe of …”
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Jus regum. Or, a vindication of the regall povver: against all spirituall authority exercised under any form of ecclesiasticall government. In a brief discourse occasioned by the o...
Published 1645“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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Some papers of the Commissioners of Scotland, given in lately to the Houses of Parliament, concerning the propositions of peace.
Published 1646“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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Shadowes without substance, or, Pretended new lights: together, with the impieties and blasphemies that lurk under them, further discovered and drawn forth into the light: in way o...
Published 1646“…Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine, concerning the present condition of the Church of England. In which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken...
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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Letters of consequence from Scotland, the first from the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly there, to the Scots Commissioners here in England. The second from His Maiestie to t...
Published 1643“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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A sermon preached before the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: at Margarets Church in Westminster, upon Thursday the 18. day of Iuly, 1644. It being th...
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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Faces about. Or, A recrimination charged upon Mr. John Goodvvin, in the point of fighting against God, and opposing the way of Christ. And a justification of the Presbyterian way i...
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the signe …”
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[Printer's device and imprint of Robert Bostock of London]
Published 1644“…Printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church …”
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The Kings cabinet opened: or, certain packets of secret letters & papers, written with the Kings own hand, and taken in his cabinet at Nasby-Field, June 14. 1645 By victorious Sr....
Published 1645“…printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-…”
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