Search Results - Printed for Robert Pawlet,
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Devotional exercises 21
- Popish Plot, 1678 20
- Law reports, digests, etc 18
- Christian life 17
- History 16
- Trials (Treason) 16
- Conduct of life 11
- Courtesy 11
- Forms (Law) 11
- Politics and government 11
- Sermons, English 10
- Political oratory 9
- Grammar 8
- Latin language 8
- English language 7
- Particles 7
- Translating into Latin 7
- Ecclesiastical law 5
- Government 5
- Prophecies 5
- Schism 5
- Treason 4
- Fires 3
- Judges 3
- Pleading 3
- Prayers 3
- Astrology 2
- Baptism 2
- Church and state 2
- Commercial law 2
A rationale upon the Book of common prayer of the Church of England
Published 1672“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Select cases in B.R. 22, 23, & 24 Car. I Regis
Published 1681“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The Lord Keeper's speech to Mr. Serjeant Savnders, at the time he was sworn Lord Chief Justice of His Majestie's Court of Kings-Bench, Tuesday the 23d, January, 1682
Published 1682“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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An historical vindication of the Church of England in point of schism as it stands separated from the Roman, and was reformed I Elizabeth /
Published 1675“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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A narrative of some passages in or relating to the Long Parliament
Published 1670“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Astrological predictions of Englands happy success and compleat victory over the French, Dutch, & Dane, this year 1667 the rebuilding and flourishing of the city of London in great...
Published 1667“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Baptismōn didachē, the doctrine of baptisms, or, A discourse of dipping and sprinkling wherein is shewed the lawfulness of other ways of baptization, besides that of a total immers...
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Prophecies of Christopher Kotterus, Christiana Poniatovia, Nicholas Drabicius, three famous German prophets foretelling forty years agoe this present invasion of the Turks into the...
Published 1664“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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An account of, (together with) the writing it self that was found in the pocket of Lawrence Hill, at the time he and Green were executed, (Friday the 21st of February, 1678/9) for...
Published 1679“…[Printed for Robert Pawlet ...],…”
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An account of the digging up of the quarters of William Stayley, lately executed for high treason, for that his relations abused the Kings mercy
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Reasons against popery in a letter from Mr. William Chillingworth, to his friend Mr. Lewger, persuading him to return to his mother, the Church of England, from the corrupt Church...
Published 1673“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Divine breathings, or, A pious soul thirsting after Christ in a hundred pathetical meditations.
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The tryal and conviction of John Tasborough and Ann Price for subornation of perjury, in endeavouring to perswade Mr. Stephen Dugdale to retract and deny his evidence about the hor...
Published 1679“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Thalia rediviva the pass-times and diversions of a countrey-muse, in choice poems on several occasions : with some learned remains of the eminent Eugenius Philalethes, never made p...
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The tryals of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and John Grove, for conspiring to murder the King who upon full evidence were found guilty of high treason, at the Sessions-house i...
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical with other publick records of the Church of England, chiefly in the times of K....
Published 1675“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The tryal of William Staley, goldsmith for speaking treasonable words against His Most Sacred Majesty and upon full evidence found guilty of high treason : and received sentence ac...
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent. for conspiring the death of the King, and the subversion of the government of England and the Protestant religion who upon full evidence was foun...
Published 1678“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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The Lord Chief Justice Scroggs his speech in the King-Bench, the first day of this present Michaelmas term 1679 occasioned by the many libellous pamphlets which are publisht agains...
Published 1679“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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A treatise proving spirits, witches, and supernatural operations, by pregnant instances and evidences together with other things worthy of note /
Published 1672“…Printed for Robert Pawlet ...,…”
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Microfilm Book